for everyone whos having a bad day, including myself. if youre - TopicsExpress


for everyone whos having a bad day, including myself. if youre feeling like you cant go on anymore, or doubting yourself in any way do me a favor. take a moment to just breathe, think about all the troubles youve had in your life; all the broken hearts- all the days you didnt even have the motivation to get out of bed. all the times you cried and felt like it was never going to end. think about all of it. then remind yourself that YOU are the one who got yourself through all of that. you are the one who soothed yourself to sleep on the nights you spent up crying. you have lifted yourself up all the times youve fallen, and you are still here. if you did it once, you can do it again. yeah, maybe you havent gotten out of bed today and arent planning on it. but you woke up this morning. maybe you relapsed, or you did something stupid. but youre still breathing. maybe you didnt finish your homework, but at least you tried. for all of this, and anything I might have missed, I am proud of you. maybe youre unhappy with your weight and you want to gain/lose a few pounds or youre unhappy with your grades. remember that you are not defined by a number. whether it be your weight, your gpa, how much money you make, or anything of the sort. if those are the kinds of things that make you feel accomplished, then great. try harder and dont give up. but just remember, youre worth so much more than you know- and so much more than any number could tell you. we all need to remind ourselves that we are the ones who keep ourselves going. you need to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may be. there are people in this world who care about you, and theres always going to be some downs. but the downs are what make the ups so amazing. do whatever you need to do to make yourself happy because you deserve it. listen to your favorite song, watch a funny movie, hangout with someone. go for a walk or go on a drive. surround yourself with people who are only trying to build you up, not bring you down. be confident, and put yourself first. theres nothing wrong with being selfish when it comes to whats best for you. if you took the time to read all of this, thank you know that Im here for you if you need to talk. Im proud of you and I believe in you, you should too. positive vibes♡
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:20:23 +0000

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