for my Science Fiction Class I wrote the folloing Blog post on - TopicsExpress


for my Science Fiction Class I wrote the folloing Blog post on wordpress Contrasting Imagery and Military Realism, “The Game of Rat and Dragon” Through out this tale the author employs vividly visceral imagery that awakens primordial emotional responses in the reader. A good example of this is where the tale reads, “Tear the living soul out of body with its roots dripping in effluvium as tangible as blood.” The reader is instantly experiencing a revulsion grounded in the reality of seeing the horror of a disembowelment. Another metaphor that does similar things to the reader is the description of the Dragons, “hungry vortices of aliveness and hate compounded by unknown means out of thin, tenuous matter between the stars.” Though the reader cannot encapsulate a vision of these dragons, the language of the author’s metaphor is once more stark enough to bring forth an innate fear of and a desire not to meet these beings. In contrast to these poignant metaphors are the authors .simple ordinary similes. Phrases , “like nothing much” and “like the ache of a sore tooth bitten on for the first time,” lack the panache devoted by the author in his more metaphorical descriptions. Along with this contrasting imagery is a gritting characterization of military realism. As one who has served a length of my youth in The United States Marine Corps; I can bear witness to the fact that the author gets many things right that lend his tale militaristic authenticity. The first is in the character of Woodley, who fills the archetype of a salted war weary senior NCO. He is described as being, “26 and due to retire;” although in the tale this may be literally true, among the multiple enlisted and career members of the armed services it is figuratively true too. Time in a high stress job robs them of their youth and gives them a hardened weathered demeanor at the ripe old age of thirty and retirement in their latter thirties or early forties depending on what their age was at first induction. This archetype is further reinforced by Underhill’s question of, “Didn’t Woodley ever do anything but grunt?” The answer of course is a resounding no, because grunting becomes an adequate means of communication from seniors to juniors in the military. Furthermore; on the occasions where Woodley does use audible speech it will most surely not be in Underhill’s advantage. Another example of this Military Realism is conveyed by the line, “ He had embarrassed himself more then once while on the ground saluting perfectly ordinary non telepathic cats.” From ancient days of Sparta and Alexander on through the present times, all who have served can relate to this and share similar antidotes regarding rendering customs and courtesies properly only to those who warrant such honor. it is a common mistake among the young privates and even butter bar lieutenants to wrongly render salutes to Navy Master- Chiefs because the shiny nature of their rank insignia. If you ever find yourself enlisted in military service, do not salute those,” cats” unless you wish the experience the horror of a hard line attitude adjustment and possibly a PME on digging a regulation fighting position for a seven ton vehicle. Buntonimo1066
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:06:26 +0000

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