for some of us peace and happiness are like a bank train and we - TopicsExpress


for some of us peace and happiness are like a bank train and we are the robbers/ we wanna chase it down and grab it/ but fate accost us/ and of all the trials and tribulations that life has tossed us/ were all just looking for that matching missing piece/ whats missing from you might not be missing from me/ so the struggle remains between our hearts and our brains/ or if youre like me that throbbing aching pain/ to wanna hop on a horse of hope and ride away/ or via car, truck, bus, or plane.... / Satisfaction aint guaranteed cause this aint a f**kin K-Mart/ some of us got baggage... filled with demons who want to tear us apart/ and the thing is we are all trying to find ourselves everyday of our lives/ we are writing a script by the past ties that bind/ and God I know youre up there and you promised Jesus would be back/ but stuff down here is ridiculous/ I wish i could set your clock fast... Sonofb*tch.... but that b*tch was a blessin before she died in 07 / shes up there laughing at that comment and Im down here stressin/ busy workin my self out testin temptin fate watchers have to wait.../ That didnt come out the way I made of it since/ ahhh dammit/ poetry and prose like projectile missles/ and the NSA is probably listening in.... Yall worried about some healthcare and meanwhile your personal liberties are being shredded/ f**k the New World Order and there greedy elitist agenda/ Some you people make me sick... / call yourself journalist but only write what the check writers want you to print/ sellouts, scams, damn hypocrites/ not all of you, but some of you/ if the mirror refects it then lace the shoes up, grin and bear it! / Speaking of things involving Constitutional issues/ most of yall aint got the mental constitution to do anything but what youre told to.... / Im sick of you parrots/ eating your pretty pollys cracker/ when your dead and gone, whos gonna remember you after? What we are all gonna ask is Who was that mans master? God or money, son?! you cant have it both ways... and rich or poor youre gonna be buried in a six foot grave.... PS Think and answer the challenge you damn hypocrites. Burn the liars or be burned. Be real and love your neighbors or be fake and follow that stat quos fake version of love and compassion. Real love sometimes hurts. It values truth above all else, even if that truth is contrary to societys in fads....
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:51:32 +0000

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