for those of your reading my story, here is a bit of the first - TopicsExpress


for those of your reading my story, here is a bit of the first chapter. The Ruby and Emerald part was an epilogue, and this is where we are thrown in. I am just writing and spewing as I call it for the moment, I will add detail and fine tune it later. Chapter One “Please! Please! I was just passing through! I d-d-don’t understand!” The guard to his left bashed the old man on the forehead with a sword. “Quiet, you!” The guards were dressed in royal blue robes, carrying scimitars. Their turbans were brilliant white, giving them nobility that the old man disagreed with. The old man looked forward. Like a lady spider in the center of her web, the Queen sat upon her throne, dressed in all black, her hair curling and blending in with the liquid-like material; if one looked hard enough could see her hair was down to her shoulder blades. She smiled, almost warmly, as the old man was thrown before her on the Jade floor. Why was he taken here? The throne room had had a reputation for being beautiful for hundreds of years. The room was large, with tall ceilings. Pillars also made of jade lined the room, a stark contrast to the majestically purple walls. There were windows between each pillar on the left, and with the exception of a mirror in the center on the right, was also the case. Two golden oil goblets burned on either side of the throne, which was gold. The chair gleamed and caught the eyes, with ivory detailing. The old man looked to the right and got a better look at the large mirror, circular and could encompass five men in all directions easily. As the Queen finally stood, the lighter veins swirled in the stone floor seemed to pulsate with a maddening, deep green glow. It shone on her face, and the warm smile the old man had seen before had melted into a terrifying gash in her face, almost seeming to split open her porcelain skin. Her rose lips looked more like a wound than a smile. She walked down to him. He felt himself urinate. The same guard that had bashed him let loose a roar. “YOU FILTHY WORM!” “Now, now,” said a honeyed voice, thick, like the smell of something overpoweringly sweet. “We mustn’t treat our guests this way. Tell me, old one, what are you doing here?” The old man stood, embarrassed beyond words, yet still terrified, and tore off his shirt and began sopping up the mess. “I-I…have a grain farm. I was told your crops are sp-sp-sp—special.” “Well, then. You should know it is against the law of this Kingdom to go near those orchards…” she almost sounded like a mother talking to a small child after he had been caught. “I didn’t know your majesty! Please! I swear to you I will never trespass! Please forgive my transgression!” The old man had finished with the puddle and kneeled. “My farms are under conscription to provide for the war! I only wished to keep the rats and the vermin away!” She stayed silent for a moment. She stared at him, but the smile did not waver. “Alright…you are free to go. Tut, tut, run along with you!” she even gave a dismissal wave. The old man stared at her in disbelief. She seemed almost like an innocent child, she was smiling so sweetly…then he remembered her garish smile earlier. He stayed where he was. “Although,” she said as she turned and faced her throne, “There is a small, little, teeny, tiny question I have for you…” The old man felt his stomach twist into knots. She suddenly threw herself to the ground before him, her face, contorted in mad delirium, inches from his. “DO YOU THINK I AM A FOOL?” She roared. He closed his eyes tightly. “No, your majest— Before he could finish, she backhanded him. He let out an animal-like cry when he felt impact and slid a few inches when he fell. She stood again, taller and more seemingly erect. “Take this filth to the chamber. Gorlin will get it out of him.” The guards hauled him to his feet. Dragging him away, the old man got one last look at the beautiful but dangerous little princess. She was before the huge oval mirror that had been on the far side of the wall. “I summon, thee, slave in the magic mirror! I summon thee from the farthest space! Speak! Let me see thine face!” A blinding purple light pulsed, making her even more sinister. The voice was deep and foreboding. It echoed and filled the throne room, drowning out all sound. “What wouldst thou know, Snow White?” Oh Gods, thought the Old Man, Save us all.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:30:42 +0000

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