friends, i want you all to know, my party girl bff thinks she had - TopicsExpress


friends, i want you all to know, my party girl bff thinks she had a good time last night, the hangover isnt fun but its the price you pay sometimes but she deserves to enjoy her life, shes gone through hell and is back stronger that she ever thought possible, a victim no more because she finally said enough, she exposed her tormentor and told a lot of her story and is glad she did, she admitted she wish she had done it sooner but better late than ever so if she wants to get shit-faced now and then do it, its your life, its now or never, im going to live while im alive, love that song, Dont love these usless scumbags:george, jr, james, sr, kerry, walter, leonard, jeff, joseph, patrick, mark, ruben, keith, pierre, chad, gary, leroy, and jennifer, the molesting babysitter, R.I.H. remember to make someone smile today, make a special memory, so important later, be a friend to someone who needs one, you cant have to many, say a prayer for cheles dad, whose hasnt given up the fight, our angela who wants to take on michael vick, i pity the fool, skylar who tried to fight her battlle alone, brandy who is happy lately, and my bff pam, who has so much love and shares it, and our special guardiian angel mom who watches over all of us, and say a prayer for our country and our president, welcome back toni and lonna i would welcome you with open arms, i think we got off to a bad start but you wont find a better group of friends then mine, goodnight, sweet dreams, and forgive my sidekick if her mouth still isnt working right, peace and love friends--------gram
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 02:46:08 +0000

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