frinx it couLd be happEn tO Enemy,,but Enemy it poSsible wiLl - TopicsExpress


frinx it couLd be happEn tO Enemy,,but Enemy it poSsible wiLl frinx agaiN !! at thE samE time apprEciatE for the pEoplE whO loves u,; treating like a sisters,,brothers,,or what eLse,,bUt once uve beeN brokE thE trUst anD u wEre highEr ur pridE,,im xurE it wiLl bE harD tO bacK in normal,,aNd u dont knOw hOw tO givE apOlogizE for thosE peopLe whoS u madE dissappointEd and u made thEm fEel offEnd... Words of FORGIVENESS doEsnt mean,,thEy arE a lossEr but it mEanS that there havE a chancE tO change and corrEct uR mistakEs...makiNg u rEalize of what u arE..? and Words of FORGET,,isnt easy tO do bEcausE everybody arEnt pErfEct bUt wE had a BRAIN tO rEmind all the happEning in our livEs,,and wE haD a HEART tO feel hurt oncE u wEre reminding it what caN i saY,,be humbLe anD be patiEnt thaN to bE highEr ur pride.. #PRIDELESS#... upai nga kuLop ha at nga tanan...?
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 07:41:08 +0000

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