from Deep Green Resistance We must put our bodies and our lives - TopicsExpress


from Deep Green Resistance We must put our bodies and our lives between the industrial system and life on this planet. We must start to fight back. Those who come after, who inherit whatevers left of the world once this culture has been stopped-whether through peak oil, economic collapse, ecological col­ lapse, or the efforts of brave women and men resisting in alliance with the natural world-are going to judge us by the health of the landbase, by what we leave behind. Theyre not going to care how you or I lived our lives. Theyre not going to care how hard we tried. Theyre not going to care whether we were nice people. Theyre not going to care whether we were nonviolent or violent. Theyre not going to care whether we grieved the murder of the planet. Theyre not going to care whether we were enlightened or not. Theyre not going to care what sort of excuses we had to not act (e.g., Im too stressed to think about it, or Its too big and scary, or Im too busy, or But those in power will kill us if we effectively act against them, or If we fight back, we run the risk of becoming like they are, or But I recycled, or any of a thousand other excuses weve all heard too many times). Theyre not going to care how simply we lived. Theyre not going to care how pure we were in thought or action. Theyre not going to care if we became the change we wished to see. Theyre not going to care whether we voted Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, or not at all. Theyre not going to care if we wrote really big books about it. Theyre not going to care whether we had compassion for the CEOs and politicians running this deathly economy. Theyre going to care whether they can breathe the air and drink the water. We can fantasize all we want about some great turning, but if the people (including the nonhuman people) cant breathe, it doesnt matter. Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save The Planet pg. 12
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:11:04 +0000

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