from Liu Ming laoshi CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE – 7/22/14 – - TopicsExpress


from Liu Ming laoshi CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE – 7/22/14 – 7/26/14 METAL GOAT Moon Sixth MOON 2014 “Wealthy Goat” Metal Goat moons offer gentle progress and naturally produce logical outcomes (work = success). This month is good for social gatherings, iced tea in the backyard and a bit of gossip. The qi of the Metal Goat moon has an innocent quality that cannot cope with vigorous enemies so it is best not to invoke danger (poor planning, superficiality). In the first two weeks we are vulnerable to harsh retributions, sudden, acute illness and forgetfulness but this quiets down in the second two weeks. It is a good moon for big social weddings. Children born in this month will be supportive of their parents. During this moon even strong people may have kidney disharmonies. It is NOT a good month for taking exams, entering retreat or traveling alone in unknown or wild places. Slight Heat Qi Node Yang Declines FIRE “Small or Shrinking Heat” In Slight Heat qi node Yang begins its inevitable decline but growth is extended. It is a time of mild heat that appears as the yang of the year begins its decline. The weather should turn mild. Fruits and vegetables are abundant. Cicadas and crickets chorus day and night. Twilight is beautiful. Fields bulge with the abundance. It is a time when the legacy of the annual Yang is determined. Is it to be survival at any cost (brutishness) or elegant majesty that steps down in the fullness of time (wisdom)? It is the time when many plants extend their qi to produce strong roots and fertile seeds (create future). Fall harvests will dependent on this qi node being mild. Mild winds can clear damp (avoid mold). Contagious diseases that “rode the hot wind” in the Summer Solstice now take root. Anxiety may crowd into dreams. During this qi node qi is best at 1pm. When you wake practice neigong facing due south. Do not overexert yourself (sweat); let the qi move the blood and transform nutrients. Dress lightly, cut your hair and stroll about to avoid the damp heat. Chew well. During the day eat two meals, rest (nap) after lunch, snacks of fruit (melon) are good on hot days. As before, drink green and chrysanthemum tea and in the evening enjoy a light savory soup. Guard the heart (shen) from strain by modestly expressing your feelings – it is natural to feel a bit anxious (sudden decline of yang) – but avoid drama/anxiety. Before bed bucket bathe (cold salt rinse) and go to sleep just after dark. Rest, relax, travel (vacation by sea), exercise and do not get burned by the sun. Do not work or rest directly in the sun of midday!!! Tue July 22 – 6th moon/26th day HOUSE/Shut The qi of the day cannot be grasped and worked but its abundance is found in continued compliance to its nature. Today its nature is at a kind of standstill that sinks down. If you get agitated by ambition or distracted by goals you stumble. Everything we long for is, in fact, already ours. Can you see that? If yes, you will feel the progress of deepening roots not miles per hour. This configuration in the 6th moon is perhaps a bit awkward, but full of wisdom. To get the best of the day’s offerings be generous and forgiving – to others AND yourself. Simple stuff like a walk in the forest or along the edge of the sea or lake can offer great wisdom. Entering solitary retreat will brings fruition to your intentions. Fengshui adjustments at business sites are enhanced. Contributing to temple construction brings long lasting benefit. Funerals, burials (fengshui monument placement) and memorial gatherings bring great prosperity to the living. Signing contracts, open new business and getting married are auspicious. Moving to new home is auspicious. The performance of rituals is auspicious (Daoist: Steps of the Great Yu). Avoid compulsive divination, procrastination and confrontation. Do not file lawsuits or squander resources. Travel will be confusing but not dangerous. The Gallbladder channel is open. Use Gallbladder 41 from 9-11am and 3-5pm. Use Liver 3 and 4. Acupuncture is greatly enhanced today (except from 11am-1pm). If GB pulse is not afflicted/weak use Gallbladder 27 and 28 (needle and/or massage) to enhance flexibility of movement and mind. Stabilizing emotions and calming distractedness (shen) is easily done. Talk therapy can be especially useful today. Routine exercise has enhanced results (particularly flexibility of legs and hips). Wed July 23 – 6th moon/27th day WALL/Design The qi of the day has an innocence to it that makes it vulnerable to mishap. Whatever happens, don’t blame yourself or others; today’s auspices are “out-of-the-blue” (beyond ordinary mechanisms of production). Try to relax your idealism to avoid unexpected and sudden relationships with brick walls. Instead throw a dinner party (cook grandma’s favorite dish), see a film with friends or read your favorite scripture. “Out-of-the-blue” can also be unexpectedly good. In order to catch the good bit you must be open-heart-minded. The day inspires artwork, generates good planning insights and simple contemplation. The goodness is imminent so do not struggle/push or postpone/cancel – gently surf the tide. It is a good day to have sales (get rid of slow-moving stock), do an audit and pay your debts. To go on vacation is auspicious. Martial arts training will bring good result (but do not overdo – injury). Entering retreat will inhibit spiritual fruition. Procrastination is costly. Practicing austerity can cause illness. Minimize physical risks. Tame the prompting to be rude. The Liver channel is open. The complex amorphous effects of emotional disturbance behind or below patterns of physical disharmony are vulnerable to treatment today. Use Liver 3, 4 and 6. Use Kidney 6 all afternoon. Facial (especially the brow) and abdominal massage is enhanced. Everyone’s pulse may be misleadingly weak. Strong tonifying treatment can be fatal or bring on shen disturbance. Craniosacral treatments are enhanced. Thu July 24 – 6th moon/28th day STRIDE/Divide The day offers armor and the need for it; discipline and the need for it; good medicine and the need for it. Yet, having said that, it is gentleness that truly engages its qi. Armor, discipline and medicine give a chance to go very deep – there is a chance to feel the gentlest of inspirations from the deepest non-conceptual core of our being. It is auspicious for growing your business, giving bonuses/raises and waiting out the competition. It is a good day for medical treatments, shopping, recycling clothes and shoes you do not need (charity). It is a good day for a makeover, but not a haircut. It is a good day to close shop early, go home alone and be in bed by 9pm. The day is splendid for meditation, ritual, yoga and qigong. Gentle backstretches are good exercise. If we are distracted by the armor and engage in a fight all the qi is lost. Don’t bother researching anything or starting a long journey (loss) as either of these activities may cause illness. By all means do NOT overextend yourself. Burying the dead today causes the family to get heavily bogged down in grief (cause floods). The Small Intestine channel is open. Acupuncture is enhanced. Treating gastrointestinal disorders goes well. Use Small Intestine 3 between 11am-1pm. Use Kidney 6 between 1-3pm. Consider Du channel points. The qi is ripe for helping any patient in need of yang regulation (very auspicious at this time of year). A good acupuncture treatment will make it easy for the patients to comply with herb and food recommendations. Don’t leave patients alone in treatment rooms for long periods (maximum 5 minutes). Back massage (spine) is beneficial. Hairline massage of forehead is very beneficial. Avoid surgery on lower extremities. Fri July 25 – 6th moon/29th day MOUND/Full The day’s good qi has deep previous causes – it is a kind of “pay-off” day for good conduct from long ago (ancestor blessings). It is particularly good to network and gather with family and/or friends to celebrate community. Good news from afar is likely. Fengshui adjustments to thresholds of domestic and pubic buildings are enhanced (bring new resources). The children of couples married today will be very supportive of their parents. Disputes settled quickly and amicably today have long-term good results. Read the fine print on any contract. To make ancestor offerings brings quick and positive result. It is auspicious to hang prayer flags. It is Dharmapala puja day. If the “previous causes” are not so sweet do not enter conflict, file a lawsuit or get vicious. It’s you; not them. Tame your horniness and round your competitive edge. Don’t aimlessly wander about alone in the city. It is inauspicious to enter retreat. The Heart channel is open. Use Gallbladder 41 between 11am-1pm. Tonifying yin works wonders – even in the chronically yin and qi deficient. Patients reducing stress in their lives will respond especially well to treatments. Sudden wind invasions are easily reversed. Avoid spinal or eye surgery. Sudden reversal of chronic disharmonies is possible today (exorcistic [ancestral] release is enhanced). Sat July 26 – 6th moon/30th day STOMACH/Level The qi available today is available due to your habits of qi conservation. If your qi is available be grateful to your ancestors and your own disciplines. If you feel trapped, tired and exhausted … well blaming and worrying may eat up your day. Thing is it IS you, not them. The prison of self-hate locked up with prejudice and idealism is of your own making. You can choose stimulants or supplements if you are feeling exhausted – your choice should be reflected upon. I recommend a dram of tonic herbs and a new regiment for eating well. The day is a swinging door so watch your back. You can step deeper into “victimhood” or take a step up and away from it. Use the qi of the day or it will rerun the tired excuses of your past losses. The qi of the day offers options without support. Wimps fall! Those with the accumulations of good qi may find new resources but are advised to stay with routine disciplines. Meditation, exercise, study and chew your food – you know the drill. Today the drill shines – your inner drill sergeant is smiling. If you feel strong it is auspicious to get married, bury the dead and continue building or remodeling projects. Seriously blaming others (lawsuits) backfires. Emotions run high so beware overdoing simple tasks (gardening, cooking, sewing). If you are tired call in sick, postpone and shut off your phone – you won’t regret it. The Stomach and San Jiao channels are open. San Jiao 5 (w Gallbladder 41 or 63) is useful most of the day in getting annual - regardless of symptoms yang to do the right thing you might say. Mildly massaging and stretching the Yang Wei channel is beneficial for all patients. Talk therapy (with a great listener) is beneficial but the therapist’s good counsel must be accepted and integrated into action. SEVENTH MOON begins
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:49:30 +0000

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