from *THE BALOCHISTAN POINT* Sacrifices of lives provide dignified - TopicsExpress


from *THE BALOCHISTAN POINT* Sacrifices of lives provide dignified live to upcoming generations: Karima Baloch, Vice Chairmen BSO. MAR 22 Posted by balochistanpoint By Ahmed Khan. Q: How you describe Baloch Movements’ achievements up till now on national and international level, as physically and psychologically? Karima Baloch: Baloch national freedom movement got birth that day when Pakistan occupied Balochistan forcibly dates back to 27th of March, 1948, General Douglas was the head of Pakistan “Royal” army. Balochistan, being a weak state could not defend its independence against the Neo colony of Britain, Pakistan. The struggle of independence started from that day onwards, though few opportunists tried to paint the Baloch demands with different manipulating slogans, but Balochs did not surrender their legitimate right of regaining their national independence. Baloch movement complies with the charters of United Nations, but U.N. being a puppet organization of the international powers cannot prove to be a solution in Baloch nation, hence Baloch nation is continuing its struggle having trust on its own strength. Q: Nation till how sustain receiving of torture bodies and disappearing of Baloch especially BSO-Azad, BNM, BRP and pro-impendent parties workers? And being vice chairmen of BSO do you have any idea or strategy to stop or combat these aggressions because it seems that state is much powerful? Karima Baloch: Historically, when the major part of a nation prepares to sacrifice their lives against injustice and oppression then only the upcoming generations live a dignified live. The occupier today is not afraid of B.S.O. Azaad or B.N.M. or B.R.P., now it fears from each and every son and daughter of the motherland. Today Balochs being brutally murdered by Pakistan do not only belong to B.S.O. or other political parties rather they are only murdered because they are Balochs. This identifies the fears Pakistan has today. In only seven months more than 130 Balochs were torture murdered by Pakistan. Human rights abuses of such an extent should have by now awaken the international peace keepers and human rights organizations but it seems interests supersede the humanitarian laws and the status of human rights abused in Balochistan. Q: If I am not wrong about this that BSO or BNM platforms have made prominent to people or youth for rival to easily identify because of clear stance? Karima Baloch: B.S.O.’s aims and objective have always been crystal clear, but after 1988 an opportunist factor in the organization traded off national interests and entered the parliaments of the occupying country. Presently B.S.O. has again adapted the actual aim which it had, and the sacrifices of Baloch youth have helped B.S.O. regain its confidence amongst the masses. Q: Baloch Pro-independence organizations are working for social change in lives? Or struggling/educating people for abolition of class difference? If not then what will be significance of freedom or separate state, there people will be in different categories, hence what will be benefit of that state or system? Karima Baloch: When a country is occupied, negativity is not only infiltrated in the occupied territory but is exaggerated by the occupier as well. Baloch national movement has contributed greatly in eliminating the social prejudices, immoral activities and inequality. The culture of gaining more knowledge in Baloch society is just one of the fruits of the struggle for national independence. When nations are enslaved, they lose their identity. No matter how good they actually are, they still do not have what they deserve because the occupiers do not only occupy territories but they assault on the self confidence of the nations. Enslaved nations, in order to progress do have to prioritize national independence. This has always been the case historically. Q: Many intellectual confessed and objective circumstances also saying that state won’t allow for openly working or preaching, hence how you people educate or work? Karima Baloch: Pakistan has always strived to eliminate the freedom movement in Balochistan to sustain its occupation, but with the changing political scenario revolutionary organization have to change their strategies. B.S.O. is working to create political and social awareness in Baloch students and Baloch masses, and the means to achieve this objective are developing and changing with the requirements of the era. Q: You people don’t think that target killing is wrong, because opponent also using same method for encountering movement? Karima Baloch: We as students and a constructive part of Baloch nation moral support every act of our national militant forces which leads to the destination of an independent Balochistan. Baloch is fighting to regain its independence, and in the process targeting the spies and collaborators of the occupying forces has strong moral legitimacy and is justified in the practical sense of morality. Q: What are the reasons that you people are secede from socialist organizations and other oppressed nations even destination has resemblance? Karima Baloch: We won’t hesitate morally supporting any organization or nation which is struggling for its freedom against exploiters and occupiers, and their struggle is founded on the grounds of justice and equality. Q: How you see Khair Bux Marri’s message to Sindh for joining movement? Karima Baloch: Every nation has the right to determine its own future and B.S.O. stands aside every oppressed nation and views their struggle with respect and deference. Balochistan was occupied by Pakistan hence Baloch case should be viewed differently however we do support every nation’s right to determine its own fate; no one can and should impose “exploitive unity” against the will of the nations. Q: How do you describe your movement as we see Maoist movement is supported by educated and liberal class in India? How do you see your movement? Karima Baloch: I believe Baloch freedom movement has gained the support of people belonging to almost every part and class of the society. This factor has been an elementary reason behind the rapid popularity of the movement, and I believe in coming days this support would turn out to be more constructive. Q: Baloch is suppressed and divided in different countries how he can defeat imperialist or will compromise with age of imperialist? Karima Baloch: Baloch national struggle has strengthen the bonds in between Baloch nation, the movement has given a new sense of unity to the Baloch nation. This certainly is undeniable that Baloch nation is dispersed in different regions, but they certainly have the ability to bring about a change if they wish to, more development of the movement would make the imperialist forces to lose the war against the unified Baloch nation. Q: State authorities always blame on Balochs that in Balochistan foreign hands are involved? Kindly give comment on this blame. Karima Baloch: Movements of independence do require international recognition, the moral and humanitarian support of the international community do has an immense importance in deciding the status of a movement. Though being a student activist I do not have information regarding international relationships but this has always been a tactic from the occupier’s side to tag our movement in a way so that they could gain the support of their masses to continue Baloch genocide. Such propagandas are prevalent in the pages of history that in order to gain mass support the counterparts were depicted as “friends of the enemies”. I would like to make one point over here that even if any country supports the movement that should be considered highly ethical, supporting the occupied and oppressed is not a crime, supporting the occupier certainly is! Q: Nearer history is evident that tribal elements ever influenced over Baloch Society and organizations and it is also obvious that tribalism is great hurdle for Baloch Unity and progress. For removal this of obstacle BSO role should be mentioned? Karima Baloch: Actual Baloch tribal system is not the way we see it today, the present system was developed by British colonialist Robert Sandeman to weaken the Baloch confederacy. Tribal chiefs were empowered and chieftainship was made inhereditary in order to strengthen the control over the occupied territories. Present day tribal system is sustained by the Pakistan to achieve the same objective; most the tribal chiefs are gaining personal benefits in return of national interests. The revolutionary movement of Baloch youth has revealed their true faces infront of the Baloch masses. Q: What are your views, did Zulifqar Ali Bhutto had powered for operation in Balochistan or he was weaken in front of Army? Karima Baloch: Bhutto is just an individual, even if the whole system of Pakistan changes that won’t affect our status as an enslaved nation. The psychology of Pakistan would remain of an occupier and Baloch nation would be treated the same way, regardless of the person or ruling system existing In Pakistan. Q: How do you see occurring changes in Arab World and how these can impact world politics, region especially Balochistan? Karima Baloch: This is a wave of awareness in Arab nation, and this is the start of Arabs towards democracy and real independency from imperialist powers, now they will start a journey towards knowledge, technology, instead of selling oil and spending a noncompetitive luxurious life, and this automatically effects world and causes emergence of new power, and Islamist powers will become more powerful. I think this will be a message for the entire oppressed nation to take stands but it will not have a direct positive impact on Baloch movement. BLV: Your Message Please. Karima Baloch: I do not consider myself eligible of delivering messages, as I believe this suits more to the leaders, I as an activist request my national brothers and sisters to emphasize on increasing their knowledge and to enhance their horizons of thinking patterns along with contributing to the national struggle for freedom. If people belonging to free nations spend 8 hours in a day studying, we as an enslaved nation should study greater as we have greater responsibilities. Baloch nation needs politically aware and long sighted practical individuals, and knowledge and avoidance of immoral social activities would help them face the difficulties which time would bring for the Baloch nation in coming days.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 21:26:19 +0000

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