from a polish friend of a friend... Solving the puzzle flying - TopicsExpress


from a polish friend of a friend... Solving the puzzle flying Malaya Malaysian Boeing prepared diversion against China Malaysian Boeing gone nowhere , landed at the air base of Diego Garcia . Passengers and crew , probably suffered as a result of dangerous cargo , prepared by the United States to a large diversion in China. This is part of the truth about it ... 01 - rzlm End of flying Malaya Author of the article - Tatiana Volkova March 8 this year, Boeing 777-200 ER , with passengers on board the cruise 370 Malaysia Airlines ( cruise 748 China Southern Airlines ) from Kuala Lumpur ( Malaysia) to Beijing ( China ) disappeared during the flight with 227 passengers from 15 countries , including Russians and two Ukrainians , as well as 12 crew members. Just today , the satellite Australian Aerospace Agency in the Indian Ocean discovered two large objects that can be (and probably will ) wreck of the aircraft. Lockheed AP- 3C Orion Australian Air Force already circulating on the place of the accident , and the other planes and ships closer to this place. Greater length is 24 meters , personally I have no doubt that the experts will find a plausible explanation of how these fragments not sunk on March 8 , and why you have not been detected so far. Its time to tell how ended this tragic story. I apologized for the long quote : starting from March 16 the U.S., Russia and China have chosen their military satellites to coordinated joint exploration of Malaysian Boeing 777, which disappeared without trace of 239 people on board. American BSP ( unmanned aerial vehicles ) is also withdrawn from combat missions in Afghanistan, where most attention is paid to the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. The search takes place over Kyrgyzstan , Kazakhstan , Turkmenistan , Tajikistan and Uzbekistan , where there are many scattered former Soviet military airports and air bases . Now officially recognized that the last contact with the flight MH370 came from the earth , Minister of Transport of Malaysia said that the search is carried out on the territories of 11 countries . The other six countries covers almost the entire East Asia , including Thailand . It is reported that the hijackers may belong to the East Turkestan Liberation Organization , the Uighur separatist movement in the north- west Chinese province of Xinjiang . This scenario provides for the supply of fuel passenger aircraft to be used by hijackers to something like 9/11 . This version has led to the intensification of cooperation between the U.S. , Russia and China in the context of the war on terror - version seems to me highly stretched . For instance, a curtain own U.S. objectives ... Today, the situation is clearer, despite the calls even more questions . On board were returning from a trip to Bali 43 -year-old citizen of Russia Nikolai Brodsky from Irkutsk , and two Ukrainians , 45 -year-old residents of Odessa Sergey and Oleg Dejneka Czustrak . The facts were known before the discovery of the wreck , but ignored by the official agents and the press, for example, such that on board the Boeing 777 was suspicious cargo, arrived in Kuala Lumpur circuitous route . Cargo arrived from the USA to the Republic of Seychelles on the container ship Maersk Alabama the U.S. flag surrounded by marine security company employees Trident Group, founded by former senior officers, special operations and naval forces of the United States. The company specializes in protecting the transport of nuclear and biological materials. The ship Maersk Alabama (formerly Maersk Alva ) belongs to the company , Maersk Line Limited , based in Norfolk ( Virginia) in the vicinity of the main Atlantic naval base of the U.S. Navy , the U.S. Navy fleet , and operated by Waterman Steamship Corp., Mobile ( Alabama). 17 February cargo was discharged from the ship Maersk Alabama , delivered at the international airport in the Seychelles and sent the flight of the airline Emirates Airlines , aiming to Kuala Lumpur. After a stopover in Dubai on board the container ship Maersk Alabama found dead , protecting the load of two well- trained staff of special forces of the U.S. Navy . Were talking about working in Virginia Beach ( Virginia) employees Trident Group 43 -year-old Mark Daniel Kennedy and 44 -year-old Jeffrey Keith Reynolds . March 8 cargo sent hapless cruise Kuala Lumpur - Beijing , but he did not arrive at its destination. When the plane came from the Malay control of the air , it was found that Chinese dispatchers , based on the guidance of special services , forbade landing in Beijing and sent him to an alternate airport Haikou Meilan Airport ( code HAK) on the island of Hainan. However, over the South China Sea before entering the air space OPL Chinese troops Spratli island , the plane veered sharply and set a course for the atoll of Diego Garcia in the Chagos archipelago , located 3450 km from the point of diversion . According to official data , the last known position of the aircraft was flying over the Indian Ocean about 1,600 kilometers west of Perth ( Australia) . Wreck found about 2400-2500 km south- west of Perth. On one atoll of Diego Garcia among many other control stations deployed U.S. Air Force station, a satellite monitoring system Global Positioning the U.S. Air Force and the global short-wave communications system providing command of the nuclear missile forces and aviation , and space tracking station and emergency landing ferries . Airspace in the region is controlled so that even the albatross could not squeeze out without being seen , not to mention the enormous Boeing . A week after the disappearance of Malaysian aircraft , the U.S., Russia and China have chosen their military satellites to the common exploration of the aircraft. Other countries have launched their own funds for exploration . However, on March 8 satellites these countries watched the plane in real time until its landing at Naval Base and the U.S. Air Force Diego Garcia , registered as a backup landing site for ETOPS flight planning high-speed twin-engined commercial passenger aircraft . Commercial liners , however, there is not a place to sit though this is very convenient . 45 years ago, the owner of the archipelago United Kingdom illegally evicted all the inhabitants of the Republic of Mauritius and the Seychelles, but the decision of the Supreme Court ignored its own is relying on a lease agreement with the U.S.. From now on the basis of often sees the strategic bombers B- 52 and B-2 than any other aircraft . However, after March 8 , everything changed. Almost immediately came to the base at least four passenger jets . Among the passengers there was virtually not a single Mister , the vast majority of name was Doctor . Among them were leading specialists , epidemiologists and microbiologists - American Center of control and prevention of illnesses and their Chinese colleagues ( most of the lost the passengers are Chinese ) . On appeal diplomats of several countries to explain the purpose for which American and Chinese experts were on Diego Garcia , and where they were at the time of the flight 370 questions , responses were received. Particular concern aroused strange logistics movement suspect cargo from the USA to the Seychelles coast and from there to Malaysia by air and time waiting 18-19 days for check to China. Economic savings fall as associated services section maritime cargo carried by Trident Group, cost is not enough. However , if the charge was a threat and employees of the Office of Transport Security (TSA ) U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. with reason or another were not allowed to expose it , in particular the delivery of cargo by sea to the Indian Ocean , undertaken solution seems reasonable. You can also speculate that the suppression of the seal was a routine part of the operation or veterans created the original idea of the possibility of unauthorized use of all or part of the cargo - or just something they unnecessarily fell to the head - in this situation it does not matter anymore . Why were carrying the stuff to China, what they wanted from Uighur separatists what they were going to do with the Uyghurs , or on their behalf - may be presumed . In any case, virtually extinct in the old case of the former deputy chief of logistics management Noak Junshana General Gu , who was arrested in 2012 on charges of corruption , March 15 , was arrested former deputy chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC ) of the PRC , General - Colonel Xu Caihou . He was taken straight from a hospital bed in Beijing, where he was being treated for cancer . At the same time stopped his personal secretary , his wife and daughter. I think that the investigation will clarify who have met with him recently . If the person survives interrupted treatment , will be the highest level of Chinese military accused of corruption. It is unlikely that he will be accused in the eyes of friends , except that his chances of survival until the trial is small. Of course , due to the health. All serious experts agree that no plane crashed and landed . Countries like the U.S., China and Japan sought the aircraft or its remains , traces of oily spots on the water 12 days - and not found . The only explanation that comes to mind is a kidnapping. In the circle of the main suspects they were pilots . A respected expert on aviation safety Isaac Yeffet , serving as head of global security for the worlds safest airline El Al : We are talking about 53 -year-old remote control flying 30 years, Malaysia Airlines , and he would suddenly become a terrorist? Wanting to end up with you? . It should be added that the pilot Zakari Achmad - Shah was regarded as a happy family life , living in the comfort of a wealthy man , the expert said that he just does not fit this profile. Currently Yeffet provides consulting in the U.S. , he tried to indicate the arrow on Iran , did not hesitate to condemn the supporters of conspiracy theory . However , he was forced to admit that two ordinary Iranians traveling on stolen documents could not make such a shocking crime . Whats more , they were not armed, they could not fly the plane and does not fit the profile. On the other hand , lost aircraft as well as many others, has been equipped with FBW ( Fly- by-wire ), which is by no means something new. Experts say that the control system allows specially trained and equipped people to capture control , virtually turning the plane in BSP ( unmanned aircraft ) . A few days ago, the Israeli airline El Al announced that their Boeingach will be introduced systems to prevent such a possibility - but El Al is known for its bordering on paranoia relation to safety, and had even planned to install such protection , it can be safely concluded Malaysian liner that nothing like it was . Chinese women speak loudly that hide from them the truth about the fate of their sons, led them out of the air terminal in Kuala Lumpur. The presence of a large number of representatives of the medicine on the spot first landing has not reassured me , quite the contrary . If the speech is about what I say , not to be accused of being a supporter of conspiracy theory that the situation for researchers is unique. Such things can not even be tested in mice . Enigmatically late disclosure , except that this is how the ocean were part of the wreck makes it necessary to assume the worst . Place discovered , about two and a half thousand kilometers south- west of Perth, indicates that if the pilot or a thief tended to land on the land , it might as well be able to go to Antarctica . On the other hand , this place is off the beaten trails waterways and air corridors , very convenient to get rid of the evidence and its last flight of the Boeing 777- 200ER apparently made quite recently. Diego Garcia is based on sufficient number of warships and vessels which could carry or tow and sink the aircraft or its fragments . I think the Navy did not want to spend doctors civilian use also was with them, so that even if they could save passengers are gathering the necessary number of qualified specialists military antibacterial protection was unreal . Besides, due to the nature of the incident scientists and doctors will be silent , unless that at most will spend time with each other the night cry . The whole story will never be made available to a wide range of society . No one can deny this what we said, most friends tell me that its like a thriller. Serious evidence does not lead to anything , and as the multitude of similar events in our memory , this story will remain on the website as a conspiracy theory . This situation only shows that under the influence of brainwashing the American propaganda ( excuse me, psychological operations and badmouthing the American special services ) remnants of humanity lose the ability to resist - and survival. source Share this:
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:47:43 +0000

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