from godsdirectcontact hope IN THE HOPI PROPHECY By Sister - TopicsExpress


from godsdirectcontact hope IN THE HOPI PROPHECY By Sister Initiate Susan Barney, San Jose, CA, USA. It was evening when Martin Clashweonoma, the Hopi Prophecy Keeper, and Emory Holmes, a Hopi Medicine Man took the stage to speak to us. They had bright, round faces and wore their hair in the traditional fashion, their bangs forming a window for viewing the world. I had heard about the Hopi Prophecy and was looking forward to hearing their speech. The Hopi are an ancient race of people living in the dry, barren plains ofNortheastern Arizona in very much the same manner as their ancestors thousands of years ago. Their prophecies and teachings have been transmitted orally, from generation to generation. for thousands of years. They also have in their possession two stone tablets, which, according to their teachings, were passed down to them by the Creator at the beginning of this age. Martin Gashweonoma used to be the caretaker of these ancient tablets. Other tribes, scientists and academics hold the Hopi in high regard for their worldview, medical knowledge, arts and crafts and ancient spiritual practices, which they continue to maintain. Their villages are regarded as the oldest, continuously occupied settlements in the North American continent. They are an agrarian society that grows beans, corn, cotton and squash as their primary crops, causing modern scientists to marvel at how the Hopi have managed to grow so much out of such a dry, unforgiving terrain. The Hopi would tell you that their ability to derive abundance in this harsh land is directly related to their co-creative relationship with the unseen forces that hold nature in balance. And their age-old teachings indicate that this vital comynunion will play a key roll in the survival of the human race. A Purification Time Approaching Martin and Emory reached the podium and stared out at us with pained expressions on their faces. I sensed the rumblings of fear in their guts and their sense of futility regarding the impact of the speech they were about to give. Martin began to speak in his native Hopi tongue, with Emory translatting. Weve been going around from place to place, doing speaking engagements, trying to let people know, trying to get them to understand. And people are not listening to what we are trying to say.... As I listened, I thought it was no wonder that people had a hard time listening to their message. They spoke of a purification time approaching very rapidly which would bring with it massive earth changes, leaving only a handful of people alive. They advised us to store non-perishables as starvation was imminent and it would be the only way we could survive. They told us to pray at home, because in this way, Mother Earth might be more lenient with us. They indicated we needed to come together as one people. And they held out Hope that someone with a pure heart would come to save us in some way. The predictions in the Hopi Prophecies span the time from the beginning of this age to the end, with a vast portion of the predictions focusing on the end-times. The frequency of occurrences of end-time-related predictions has increased exponentially in the past 90 years, bringing us into the final stages, the time of purification. It is during this period where it is imperative for us to recognize the futility of war and recognize all races and all colors are our brothers and sisters. It is also a time to bring the misuse of the technology and industrialization back into balance with nature and the earth. If we dont do this ourselves, Martin warns us that Mother Earth will do it for us. Mother Earth will survive with or without the two-leggeds (humans). When the elders spoke of these teachings, they said someone from across the waters will hear about the teachings. Then this One will come to speak to us on our land and speak the same things, the same knowledge. Then well know that what the elders have spoken is the Truth. Of course when we all heard this part, we thought for certain it must he Master Ching Hai they were talking about, for Her name, Ching Hai, means Pure Ocean. And not only does She warn us of the increasing frequency of natural disasters as well, but also suggests what to do. The future is in our hands. So you make it beautiful or you make it worse. Its up to you. If most of the people in this world awakened to a higher level of consciousness, believing in the Kingdom of God within themselves, believing that they have the almighty power within themselves, believing that if we arepositive, if we respect beauty, truth and morality, our world will become better and better and become a paradise. Supreme Master Ching Hai Four Ages The Hopi speak of four ages through which man has evolved. In each age, people started in perfect balance with the earth, the Creator and each other. But by the end of each age, they had turned away from nature laws and spiritual principles. The first age was destroyed by earthquakes, the second by an ice age, and the third by a flood. We are now approaching the end of yet another age with the earth out of balance and its people in disregard of spiritual principles. Each of these past three ages seems to have been trial runs for humans to work through what they needed to learn. This current age, the fourth age, is the final phase. According to the Hopi, the highest and greatest powers that we have will be released to us in this new age, which they refer to as the age of the human. Four Colors Of People And Four Guardianships At the Continental Indigenous Congress in 1986, Lee Brown, a Native American spiritual leader, explained how the Hopi came to be in possession of these tablets and the assignment that went along with them. At the beginning of this age, the Creator separated the people into four colors and gave each race a primary teaching. At the end of this age, these four races are to come back together and share their teachings. And when you come back together with each other, you will share these so that you can live and have peace on Earth, and a great civilization will come about. Hes gave each race two stone tablets and warned them not to cast them on the earth because not only would human beings have a hard time but almost all the Earth itself would die. So Hes gave each of us a responsibility and we call that the Guardianship. To the Indian people, the red people, Hes gave the Guardianship of the earth. We were to learn during this cycle of time the teachings of the earth, the plants that grow from the earth, the foods that you can eat, and the herbs that are healing so that when we came back together with the other brothers and sisters we could share this knowledge with them. Something good was to happen on the earth. To the South, Hes gave the yellow race of people the Guardianship of the wind. They were to learn about the sky and breathing and how to take that within ourselves for spiritual advancement. They were to share that with everyone at this time. To the West, Hes gave the black race of people the Guardianship of the water. They were to learn the teachings of the water, which is the chief of the elements, being the most humble and the most powerful. To the North, Hes gave the white race of people the Guardianship of the fire. If you look at the center of many of the things they do, you will find the fire. The fire consumes, and also moves. This is why it was the white brothers and sisters who began to move upon the face of the Earth and reunite us as a human family. The Hopi keep their tablets on their reservation where they have been reciting these teachings to their people for thousands of years. However, it has only been during the 20th century that the existence and the location of the other tablets has been verified. The tablets for the black race are kept at the base of Mt. Kenya by the Kukuyu Tribe. The Tibetans keep the stone tablets for the yellow race. For the white people, the Hopi believe their tablets are in Switzerland. It was interesting to note that each of these people happen to be people who live in the mountains. Lee Brown explained that at one point Western scientists approached them to determine the age of the tablets: The scientists came to the Hopis and they said, We want to take a piece of the stone tablets. They said, We want to take the stone tablets to a scientific laboratory to determine how old they are. The Hopis said, We know how old they are. Well, the scientists said, We want to confirm it. Well, the Hopis let them take a little piece, and they checked by the carbon dating method. They found these tablets were at least 10,000 years old, maybe 50,000. So when I say, Thousands of years ago, there were Native people that spoke of these things, thats exactly what I mean. They told their children and thousands of years ago, their children grew up and told their children, and then their children grew up and told their children. And they spoke about the people that will live in this time. Three Shakings Of End-Times And Their Opportunities For Peace The biggest problem facing us today is that the various peoples of the Earth have not come together, recognizing each other as kin. We continue to fight and attempt to dominate the Earth. Because of this, we have entered into what the Hopi refer to as the end-times, a time of three great shakings designed to shake us to our senses. Many of the prophecies relate these end-times and the time of purification. The first two shakings correlate with the two world wars, and each was followed by an opportunity to bring peace. But the elders knew that peace would not come on the Earth until the circle of humanity was complete, until all the four colors sat in the circle, recognized each other as brothers and sisters, and shared the wisdom of their Guardianships. Only then peace would come on Earth. So when the League of Nations was formed after World War I and again when the United Nations was formed after World War II, the Hopi along with other indigenous peoples knocked at the doors of these institutions requesting admittance. But, they were turned away, thus ensuring that peace would not prevail. The prophecies state that if peace were not found after the second shaking, time would speed up. Men would turn themselves into women and women would turn themselves into men. The eagle would go to the moon. Grandchildren would have no time for their grandparents and parents would have no time for their children. But the sign indicating that the third great shaking was upon us, the culmination of the end-times, would be when people went to live in the sky. This sign would indicate that the time for purification had come. We Are Approaching The Final Shaking So now, we are approaching the final shaking. At this time the Purifier will appear from the East. When the tablets were passed down at the beginning of this age, there were two brothers. The older brother went off to the sun. When he reached the place where the sun rose, he was to touch his head down to the ground and wait until a time of crisis. Then he would be called back by his younger brother. Re is known as the Purifier, the One who possesses the knowledge to help us to understand how to come together as one and to defeat the ones who are going to come from the West bringing about World War III. Their prophecies do state that it will only take this One being to turn everything around. It will take only the One with the true heart and the humble way. Do Your Prayers At Home Lee Brown in his speech said, If we could stop the racial and religious disharmony, we would not have to go through this third shaking. The elders say the chance of that is pretty slim. It seems to me like its pretty slim, too. But they say what we can do is we can cushion it. The word we use is cushion. We can cushion it so it wont be quite as bad. How do we do this? We do this by sharing the teaching that will reunite us. Dan Evehema, one of the Hopi elders who addressed the United Nations in 1992, concurs that most Hopi expect the transition to the next age to be a rough one. However, the degree of upheaval will be determined by the degree of inequity among the peoples of the world and the balance of nature. Human beings may still lessen the violence by correcting their treatment of nature and fellow human beings. Meanwhile, Martin admonishes us to pray. In order to fix these things, we need to get together in our heads and in our minds, through our prayers. So dont forget to do your prayers at home so we will be able to eliminate some of these disasters which are taking place. Through our prayers we may help Mother Nature to have leniency on us. We as people are not perfect in many ways - we have done wrong at some time in our lives. But we have to keep praying. In another speech Martin gave, he stated: The earthquakes are eminent, but there is no real date as to when these will take place. That big earthquake that was supposed to hit California had been altered, in a way, by the Tibetans who had heard about that. They did a lot of prayers there and they helped in altering the intensity of the earthquake that took place in California. This was an interesting quote, because I know that the Dalai Lama, the Pope and Master were all in Northern California in the days and weeks prior to the 1989 earthquake. In Masters case the earthquake occurred twenty minutes after Her flight departed. As Microcosms, We Are All God. The Hopi believe that they are a microcosm of the world and that the level of disharmony within their community reflects the disharmony within the Earth and the Universe as a whole. Martin states: Even the elders went astray from these these teachings. We have now created chaos. I am going to tell you that from earlier times to now, we have done away with our intentions, with what we needed to do and to have done. Now we dont love each other anymore. We dont care about the next door neighbor. One of the ways for a microcosm to bring about change within the Greater whole, the macrocosm, is to change the microcosm. This follows the principle of holography: the whole is contained within the part. We can change the Earth if we can manage to rebalance our communities. And we, also are microcosms, holograms of the Earth both as individuals and as the community of practicioners of the Quan Yin Method. We can change events on Earth by purifying ourselves. The more we purify ourselves through meditation, through forgiving others who have hurt us, by loving those who do not love us, and by seeing the God in all of nature, the more impact we will have on the planet People Of The Light Lee Brown stated: The Hopi in their prophecies say there will be a religion that comes here. Maybe it will be a true religion and bring unity, or maybe it will not be true and not bring unity. If it does not bring unity, a second religion will come, and the people of this religion are known inthe Hopi language as the people of light or glory. Weve been waiting for these people for a long time. They say they will bring a teaching that will unite the Earth. Hearing and studying the message of the Hopi Prophecy has caused a huge shift in my values and my outlook. I recognize that this time of purification is a necessary preparation for both humanity and the Earth to ascend to the next level, to the age of the Earth human. My mediations have taken on new meaning as I pray with them that I, as a microcosm representing the disharmony of the whole, can forgive all those who have wronged me and see them as my brethren. I pray that my actions will help bring the Earth back in balance instead of taking it farther out of balance. I pray that we, the two-leggeds, will open our hearts to see the sacredness in all things, and to know that we are all one. Most importantly, I pray that people around the world will recognize that they each hold within them the pure heart that can save us all. I believe what is said in Hopi prophecy do our prayers at home means to meditate in Gods name, and in this way, we can raise the vibration not only of ourselves, but of the whole planet.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 01:36:44 +0000

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