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from our latest newsletter subscribe at newjerseymassage Thou Shalt Have Fervor... THE GREAT ONES PLAY HURT! by Larry Heisler, M.A., LMT God spews out of his mouth the lukewarm. Revelation 3:16 Near the end of her life, the great meditation master Hilda Charlton was hospitalized at Dover General Hospital right here in New Jersey. Her personal physician was my closest friend, Dr. Wally. Her condition was considered critical. There was a buzz throughout the hospital about this great healer and teacher that was in their midst. Physicians and nurses alike came to meet Hilda and especially read her chart. The attending cardiologist was shocked by the results of his tests. He took his colleague Dr. Wally aside and exclaimed that Hildas actual heart tissue had dramatically atrophied. Her physical hearts size was at one quarter of what it should be and he exclaimed, Your friend is very, very ill. How many years has she been bed-ridden with her heart condition? Dr. Wally smiled and told him perhaps for a normal individual that would be the case. Hilda, however, was no normal individual. This was a woman who had lived her entire life devoted to intensive meditation and spiritual practice. Bed-ridden? Wally said, Not really, this is a woman who taught a class at St. John the Divine Cathedral, the largest cathedral in the world, not two nights prior for over five hundred people and recently returned from a world spiritual pilgrimage with a large group of her students. Hilda lived by different rules. Most great ones do. Her divine mind and spiritual fervor was quite capable of taking over where her body could not. To have fervor is to be marked by a great intensity, to be passionate, fiery and ardent. Hilda embraced fervor as part of her spiritual teaching. She taught her students (which Im happy to say I was one of), to be excited about even the smallest of things. To her it was better to be Hell bent for heaven than a Wishy-washy mamby-pamby. Hilda defined a spiritual slacker as one who possessed a sloppy, lazy mind, filled with poor concentration, with weak powers of observation, that gets easily sidetracked. She cajoled her students to see everything tinged with spirit and possibility. To step up, find their inner will and see the magic of science, spirit or the hand of God, in all of our lifes eddys and floes. She believed there could be no mundane experiences because this moment would never come again and every event in our life was purposely put here for our own development and evolution. To Hilda, every event was an opportunity to get the lessons of life. Whether we realized it or not the entire universe was in on our quest toward liberation and the blueprint of enlightenment, the spark of divinity, was alive in all things. Hilda possessed and taught us to live with an intense passion for life. To make mountains out of mole hills and especially to be generous with everyone that came near. It made her an unstoppable force. She whole-heartedly believed the notion, if you could perform slight of hand with your mind, you could turn your entire world into a wonderfully amazing experience. So we were hanging out with Hilda in her living room one Sunday afternoon. Hilda was talking to us about crystals. She was telling us how everyone seemed to be into healing stones. They say these quartz crystals can transmit and store the secrets of the universe, Hilda quipped. When programmed with your mind, they can transmit a power that can be used in healing. She announced, Its time to have some fun. Larry stand up, now lets see how psychic he is kids. I hesitantly rose, dumb smile on my face, knowing a big lesson was coming my way. Hilda said, Now pull into your center Larry, close your eyes and tell me where the crystal is. Hilda waved the large clear quartz in a circle around my head. Where is it? she queried me. It was easy to feel, Hilda had such a profoundly powerful countenance. I immediately pointed to my head area. She said, Good! open your eyes. With her big smile of approval, Hildas hand was still two feet in front of my face. She patted me on my shoulder and said, Lets try again, close your eyes. This time she made a big circle around the middle of my body and again I guessed correctly. The third and last test turned out completely different. This time I felt an incredible force around my chest and then bang! It felt like Hilda had actually smacked me on the chest. I startled, suddenly flung my eyes open, to find Hilda with a huge smile, one hand in the air as if being sworn in by a judge. Mischiefly she sung out, NO CRYSTAL! Hilda turned to the small gathering in her living room, Kids, she said, regardless of your age she called everybody kids, You dont need any props in this world. Use your God given power. Believe beyond a shadow of a doubt in the Spirits ability to work through you and get on with your work. By that point Hildas power had filled the room. The energy was thick and tangible like an influence tugging at your heart. We all sat there, feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit and knew we were being blessed. One of the lessons from the concentration camp survivors illustrates the power of an intense mind. When the Nazis realized the war was lost, they abandoned the concentration camps. Abandoning the surviving prisoners without food for weeks. When the allies liberated the camps, they questioned the remaining survivors. They wanted to know how they had managed to stay alive in these final days, frail, weakened and without the barest of provisions. One of the victims said, when the food ran out, those that believed they were starving to death, died. We decided we werent going to be starved, so instead, we decided, its in our power to fast. That little twist of mind saved our lives. You too, can turn being a victim into victory. NO MORE VICTIM MENTALITY! Biblically and scientifically all of existence is made of energy; energy that responds to the force of intention. As you train yourself and strengthen your mind by using your breath, prayer and meditation, you are preparing to fulfill your destiny, to take on your assignments, to fulfill your Sacred Contract. As you develop this unwavering focus, this powerful mind with intention, combined with an energetically open and healthy body, will slice the darkness with your higher resolve and cut through lifes melodrama, creating a visionary life, a life with conviction, a life worth living! So... Put your power behind your heart and minds direction. Breathe in light and create an impeccable force. Make believe you are being trained to take part in a great NASA Mission. This is the Nasa Mission of life. From this powerful place, Get on with your work! Its mind over matter and if you dont mind, it dont matter Satchel Paige
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:59:26 +0000

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