from the Sunshine Coast Daily: 2 November 2013 QUEENSLAND - TopicsExpress


from the Sunshine Coast Daily: 2 November 2013 QUEENSLAND Parliamentary Leader of the United Australia Party Alex Douglas says the LNP is an extremist party that will be brought to heel by voters at the next State election. He yesterday backed Clive Palmers attack on Campbell Newman and predicted the UAPs moderate conservative policies would win it office at the next state election which he expects to be held about June next year. Dr Douglas predicted the LNP would challenge Mr Palmers success in Fairfax. He said it was now anything goes in Coalition politics with former Howard minister Nick Minchin the powerbroker calling the shots. There is now a great opportunity for most Queenslanders who have expressed absolute disdain for the policies of the only two parties on offer which they had to choose between, Dr Douglas told State Parliament. They did not like what they were offered and voted for the Palmer United Party (PUP) in overwhelming numbers. The UAP is affiliated with the Palmer United Party. Next year offers Queenslanders and Australia a new opportunity. Change is coming and it will be delivered. Dr Douglas said Mr Palmer had climbed a massive mountain that nearly every media commentator had said was impossible. Those who believed all the scuttlebutt and gossip have nothing to fear from the PUP, United Australia Party or Clive Palmer, Dr Douglas said. He really is a great Australian who believes in growing the pie, as he has clearly stated, and he has a track record to back it up. Dr Douglas quit the LNP after he was forced out of his position as chair of the parliamentary ethics committee by Mr Newman who replaced him with disgraced MP Peter Dowling. He said the Premier seemed intent on gathering around him a noisy cheer squad of the poorly informed from the radical far right and was in the process of overturning centuries of Westminster tradition and replacing it with a dictatorship. When did that work? he asked. Dr Douglas said the UAP - the state arm of Palmer United Party - would stand with the majority of the people who occupied the middle ground. We are a concerted movement to reclaim the middle ground with moderate policies, he said. Dr Douglas said the LNP-controlled State Parliament was enacting laws based on lies that were being used as a smokescreen for wider issues. He accused the government of reacting out of all proportion to the real impact of outlaw motorcycle gangs which he said were responsible for only 0.4% of all crime committed in the state and only 5.8% of drug-related crime now controlled by southern based, Russian and Asian-connected syndicates.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 12:20:33 +0000

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