from the local paper... A Sydneysider on holiday in Dubbo - TopicsExpress


from the local paper... A Sydneysider on holiday in Dubbo narrowly escaped serious injury recently when he attempted horseback riding with no prior experience. After mounting his horse unassisted, the horse immediately began moving. As it galloped along at a steady and rhythmic pace, the lad, who has not been named, began to slip sideways from the saddle. Although attempting to grab for the horses mane he could not get a firm grip. He then threw his arms around the horses neck but continued to slide down the side of the horse. The horse galloped along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider. Finally, losing his grip, the rider attempted to leap away from the horse and throw himself to safety... however, his foot became entangled in the stirrup, leaving him at the mercy of the horses pounding hooves as his head and upper body repeatedly struck the ground. Moments away from unconsciousness and certain death, and to his great fortune a Dubbo resident, also visiting the Western Plains Zoo Kids Room saw him and quickly unplugged the horse.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:45:23 +0000

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