from yesterday but worth a read.makes some very good points and i - TopicsExpress


from yesterday but worth a read.makes some very good points and i agree with all of what he has too say .too many people are acting on self interest and not in the interests of the club////churchy Was It Too Much To Ask? Written by: The Ref Sunday, 20th October 2013 I wrote just the other day about our club being in the eye of a storm, and of the importance for calm in the period between losing two more board members, (victims of an intense period of persecution), and the forthcoming AGM. Sadly those intent on destroying our club in a blue on blue attack have instead ramped up their attacks on the two remaining board members at our club. Like Lemmings they blindly follow follow their leader over the cliff. Not one of them seems willing to take responsibility for their actions in bringing our club to the brink of being suspended on the AIM. Not one of them is willing to accept responsibility for the drop in our share price, which has happened as a result of their orchestrated campaign. Not one of them is willing to accept responsibility for burdening our club with completely unnecessary expense, and not one of them is willing to explain the rationale behind campaigning to remove our board based on not knowing who is behind Blue Chip Holdings and Margarita, while knowing nothing about who is behind Paul Murray and what his plans are for our club, should he somehow find himself in a position of power within our boardroom. I know something about Paul Murray. I know that Paul Murray holds 6 current appointments, has resigned from 12 companies and held appointments at 1 dissolved company. Paul began his first appointment at the age of 35 and his longest current appointment spans 8 years and 10 months at MGI Investments Ltd. I also know that the combined cash at bank value for all of Pauls current businesses is £195,898, with a combined assets value of £3,303,409 and liabilities of £3,415,152. Roles associated with Paul Murray within the recorded businesses include: Director and Company Secretary. Im sure it doesnt take a lot of intelligence to work out that those financial figures arent exactly the most healthy, and yet those who support him, claim to hold some kind of moral high ground? In what world is that? They attack our two remaining board members, attacks which could hold dire consequences for our club, and yet they dont even know what the alternative is? I have never witnessed such foolishness in my entire life. Chris Graham, a person who blogs about Rangers, (I hesitate to use the term Rangers supporter, as I have not seen one shred of evidence that he is actually a Rangers supporter) is prone to making accusations that he has been threatened by this group. Does he really think that this group would lend itself to threats against someone online, where it could easily be proven? Instead his accusations are unfounded and nothing more than attempts to smear our group. Chris complains that his family have been abused online, be that on Twitter or any other platform, and he does makes a valid point. No-ones family should be brought into this civil war of words, but perhaps Chris needs to look in the mirror before bleating about his family, while he continues to accept no responsibility for the threats and abuse which have been directed towards Craig Mather, Brian Stockbridge, James and Sandy Easdale, Bill McMurdo and others, threats which have resulted in a frenzy of hatred on the website follow follow. Brian Stockbridge was forced to seek police advice after his family were abused and threatened, one of the Easdale brothers wifes was verbally abused on follow follow, following an appearance in the directors box at Ibrox, while Bill McMurdo was ridiculed, mocked and taunted by Chris Graham for his religious views. Whats the difference between their families and yours Chris? On the occasions where our past and present board members were being abused and bullied, so called fans spokesman Dingwall, along with Chris Graham and Truman said nothing; there was not one word of condemnation. Not once did they ask their mob to leave family members out of their campaign of abuse, because lets be completely honest here; IT DOES NOT SUIT THEIR AGENDA! Recently a van was driven round Glasgow with images of Rangers directors and abusive messages emblazoned on it, by a group whose name alludes that they represent what would have been Mr Bill Struth’s viewpoint were he still with us. Lets clear this one up too shall we. Mr Struth would be acutely embarrassed by their actions and would never have stooped to such crass and undignified methods to gain control of our club. Self-appointed fans chief Dingwall, on the other hand thought it was funny and couldn’t wait to get the photos on his forum. Truman thought it was a great idea, while Chris Graham was busy tweeting it all over the place whilst sniggering like some kind of naughty schoolboy. They have no shame, have they? They complain of being bullied, though never present any evidence, yet their campaign of bullying and harassment is openly flaunted and promoted! Tonight I was unfortunate enough to overhear BBC Radio Scotland while Spiers and English, along with some other no-mark were discussing a statement issued by Sandy Easdale. The statement was as follows: In recent days there have been suggestions that I speak publicly to the media about my familys involvement with Rangers Football Club. At this stage I do not think getting embroiled in incessant speculation is in the best interests of Rangers I have no desire to criticise any individual or group and believe the constant tit for tat that we have seen recently is damaging the Club. I am a committed investor and fan and want nothing other than to see Rangers continue its progress back to the top of Scottish football. As far as Im are concerned there is a business plan in place and I am certain the directors will do everything to ensure that it continues to be implemented. Speirs, English and the other one, rambled on for around twenty minutes, and yet the basis of their ramblings was nothing more than pure speculation. It was a master class in the hypothetical. They pulled the statement apart, claiming that it was a non-statement, a waste of time, and that it failed to address the burning question of who is behind Blue Pitch and Margarita? They even alluded to Charles Green and Craig Whyte, or even worse being behind the investment groups, yet they have no evidence whatsoever that they are. Indeed, our club has already been forced to squander much needed funds on refuting these scurrilous lies and accusations already, so are Spiers and English saying that Pinsent Masons lied when they charged our club just under £700,000 to dispel this rumour for once and for all? That statement from Sandy Easdale may not have contained a lot, but it did contain a plea for calm and an end to the hostility being shown towards the two remaining board members in the run up to the AGM. Was that too much to ask?
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 11:07:31 +0000

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