galactic messages: ^ solstice portal * 2nd of February, 2 : 2 - TopicsExpress


galactic messages: ^ solstice portal * 2nd of February, 2 : 2 portal, Earth was about to undergo a major shift and transition. This process was achieved, and on 11: 11, the 11th of November, the portals were opened and the 6th Dimensional energies of Magic began to be anchored on the Earth. This process continues at full power until the 12 : 12 on the 12th of December, and will be fully activated by the Solstice on the 21st of December, when the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center and energizes the Earth’s 6th Dimensional plane with * to gather such momentum that you would burst open the portals of the 6th Dimension and make this part of the Earth Reality once again. ^ chaos on earth. Beloved Ones, as these new 6th Dimensional Portals open, they raise the vibrational frequency of the Earth, and this intensifies what is perceived as “chaos” on the Earth. As you may know, the higher the frequency, the more harmonious and peaceful the energy. But, when lower frequencies encounter higher frequencies, then there is turmoil and imbalance for a while as the energies find a balance. So, in this next month, between the 11: 11 and the Solstice on the 21st December, you can expect that the chaos and tumult will intensify, but that at the same time you will begin to see the Magic arising in your lives, you will see and feel the Earth Magic once again, ^ december solstice December Solstice will anchor these portals and ensure that they become part of the New Reality of a Multi-dimensional Earth. This will indeed be a Magical time, when the Earth will be recalibrated and great showers of Magic and Love will rain down on the Earth in waves of Abundance and Joy available to all who can see and feel the blessings of this Field of Love and Light! ^ The Butterfly Emerges : 6th Dimensional Human Energy Many of you may have felt the tensions and anxieties as your Light Body and Physical Body went into another recalibration to higher frequencies of Light. You may have found it very difficult to cope with the perceived density of life around you, the drama and manipulation. These are all “symptoms” of moving beyond the old templates of life on Earth and emerging into a New Reality, and you feel within yourself the Magic arising all around you, the Divine Creative intelligence, waiting to work with you to shape and create a New Reality. As the Butterfly emerges, you are reborn to a Higher level of Consciousness, and you are entering another level of Reality that is a natural preogression or Evolution of the process of Light Body Activation that is being guided by the Gold Ray of the Christ Consciousness, the Galactic Diamond Light and the Platinum Ray. unfurl your wings and become the bright and beautiful butterfly of Light that you are! An Infinite Soul in Human Form, and Angel of Light in manifestation, a powerful creative energy working in a Conscious way with the Divine Creative Intelligence to manifest a New Earth and a New Reality!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:35:44 +0000

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