#gaza Israeli lies unraveling - nothing new there - PA acting like - TopicsExpress


#gaza Israeli lies unraveling - nothing new there - PA acting like they are against us - why they are not helping? Why are they letting the people here in Gaza continuously suffer? Over 2000 martyrs, injuries over 10000, destruction everywhere.....has Gaza not suffered enough? Where is the freedom to fish? To farm? Where are our construction materials? Where is the salary for the employees? Where is the freedom to use Rafah and other crossings? Where is the compensation for the destruction? Why is Gaza having to pay Israel for construction materials? Where are our prisoners? What happened to Mohammed Abu Khadeir? All forgotten right? Who cares? The mothers that cry for their martyred sons? What about them? Who will bring them back? Who will bring back the fathers the children lost? Who will bring back the future of Palestine that Israel killed when they murdered over 500 children? What the hell is wrong with people?!? Why do we have to live on small amounts of electricity? Do you know when the electricity stops - the life support machines cut out - the dialysis machines stop and all the other machines in the hospitals....and dont talk to me about having generators - this is not an acceptable alternative - as sometimes - a few seconds can mean a matter of life and death .....what about those who are dying from sustained injuries? what about the unexploded devices that are still found all over Gaza strip? what about the land and trees destroyed? The water wells? The schools that cannot be used as schools as people are living there? The sewage problem, the water issues due to bad electric facilities, all the destroyed mosques, all the homeless people who had everything and in the blink of an eye lost it all , what about the uncertain future here in Gaza?....What about what about.....what about humanity?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 07:52:58 +0000

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