ghosts and spirit release October 3, 2013 at 1:18pm Each Autumn, - TopicsExpress


ghosts and spirit release October 3, 2013 at 1:18pm Each Autumn, as the leaves change and the month of October approaches, there is a flurry of information about ghosts and ghost hunting, paranormal investigations, haunted hotel tours, and a variety of facts and figures about what to do with GHOSTS! But wait, what exactly *are* ghosts? Ghosts, also known as Earthbounds, Lost Souls, and Stuck Spirits, are often, deceased loved ones, who, for one reason or another, have not fully transitioned onto the other side! If you have the ability communicate with those in Spirit, are a medium, a psychic or energetic healer, YOU have the ability to assist these Spirits (also known as Ghosts, Earthbounds, or Lost Souls), who wish to move forward, in crossing over and transitioning fully into the Spiritual Realm. You see . . . when friends, family members, loved ones and pets pass away, they cross over, and make the transition to the Other Side (what you may also call the Spiritual Realm or Heaven). While this transition is usually seamless, and your deceased loved ones often enter into the Light peacefully and surrounded by those they love, sometimes depending on the circumstances, a Spirit will be prevented from crossing, and this individual will remain bound to the earth. There are many reasons why Spirits choose to stay in our Physical Realm instead of crossing, such as a sudden passing, unfinished business, heavy emotions or even issues surrounding the growth of their Spirit. However, it is always the individual’s choice; for we have incarnated in a lifetime of free will and experience. Most of the time, these spirits tend to be lonely, lost, sad, and confused and in need a genuine love, compassion, and Light guidance. If you feel the presence of Spirit (clairsentience), you may have already noticed that ‘ghosts’ feel heavier, darker, and closer than “crossed over” Spirit. Their closeness to the earth, fear of of the unknown, and emotions of connection the physical plane is often the reason for this feeling of heaviness. If you have felt the presence of these spirits, and wish to help them transition into the Light and continue on their soul’s journey, many Spirits simply need to be verbally reminded that they are more than their physical body, that they are a Soul capable of Love, that they have loved ones on the other side who wish to see them, and be ‘shown’ where the light is (you can do this by simply pointing up and visualizing a light coming down!). However, since working with sending those in Spirit into the Light, is often a very serious task, it’s important to take these steps into consideration when assisting a stuck Spirit in their transition to the other Side. 1. Set Boundaries and Have an Intention While many of the Spirits who you will meet on your Spiritual Journey are of the Light – such as fully crossed over deceased loved ones, Angels, and Spirit Guides, not all of those who exist in Spirit have the highest intentions or are out for your highest and greatest good. Thus, whenever you venture to communicate with those in Spirit it is highly important to set a boundary of who you wish to connect with and be surrounded by, and what you intend to do. For example, “I wish to only communicate with those of the highest vibrational light, for my greatest and most highest good.” You may feel the need to say a prayer or a wish, and that is okay, too! When working with those in the spirit realm, I always call down on my protector Spirit Guides and Angels to assist and surround me with loving and protective energy. When I make this request, I close my eyes and visualize or feel this happening. 2. Talk to the Spirit with Compassion Next, take a moment to remember that the person you are speaking with is . . . a person. Someone who for some reason or another, hasn’t moved on. There is no need to yell, shout, or make anyone feel bad. Remember that they too, might feel very scared. Consider for a moment that rather than the Spirit intentionally frightening or haunting you, you may be picking up on their fears of crossing over. This is actually very common. In other words, do remember to have compassion when communicating. Talk to the Spirit you sense, see, or hear, with words – and you may do so either internally (within your mind) or externally, with your mouth. This person will hear you either way, and whether or not you hear anything back with your physical ears, do know that they can understand you. You might not hear anything, but rather, you might intuitively pick up on their feelings emotions or thoughts. You may even sense temperature changes or see colors. Since there is no such thing as time and space in the world of Spirit, Spirits can be “trapped” for hundreds or even thousands of years without realizing how much, or that any time has actually passed since their own passing. Helping the Spirit realize that it’s not 1859 anymore, can assist them to move forward, shift and continue on their Soul journey, for their Greatest and Most Highest Good. Sometimes, all this person may need to hear is that it’s 2013, and that their loved ones are waiting for them on the other side. These words generally the first step (after you set your intention and introduce yourself!). You may also need to remind the person that it is safe for them to cross, and nothing bad will happen to them. This is the truth. After telling the Spirit what year it is, and letting them know their family is waiting for them on the other side, I often remind them that they are, in fact, deceased and that it is time to cross over. Then, I visualize a light coming down from the sky and point to it, inviting them to take this path. The spirit may choose not to cross – and remember everyone has the choice to stay, or move on by working with their Heart and looking within their Souls. If this is the case, you have the power to ask the spirit to leave you alone, or to go somewhere else (if it is your property). Remember too, that in many cases, these Spirits may have actually never been “trapped” but needed to do more healing work before moving on into the next chapter of their existence. And that’s okay, too. They might have been waiting to find someone like you to help them cross when they felt ready – or to assist you on your own journey and path of Spiritual Growth! Helping a Spirit transition can be a very powerful experience. Since many Spirits describe crossing over as an individualized experience that is created and manifested from the Spirit and Soul, itself, it is important to be able to tailor to the needs to these spirits or, to simply accept their choices. Some individuals have questions before they cross over, some have things they want to do first, or want to be assured about ~ such as knowing that their family will be alright or where their family even is (please check out our article on Crossing Over, to assist your loved ones in having a smooth transition). No one crosses over exactly the same way, or sees exactly the same people when they chose to cross – Angels, Spirit Guides or Masters. Our transition path is as original and “one of a kind” as our whole entire lives. 3. Call in Their Loved Ones and Angels on the Other Side to Assist Before ‘sending a Spirit into the Light’, call down any loved ones on the other side that would like to come and offer a hand to this Spirit in making their transition. Seeing and being greeted by this person is usually so comforting, that the Spirit is often more than willing to transition at this time. While this exchange is something that is possible to see and hear, it is also possible to witness and facilitate this interaction, simply by feeling the shift in energy. If you are not seeing or hearing anything, don’t be discouraged! Pay attention to anything you notice as you offer support. If you are in need of extra support in assisting a spirit in crossing over, remember you have the support of the Angels! Archangel Azrael, whose name means, “whom God Helps”, is known as the Angel who assists with those who are dying and in death. Azrael can provide comfort to the dying and those who are grieving the loss of a loved one and help souls cross over to the other side. His energy is gently empowering, and tends to have a twinkling pale yellow light that he uses in his healing work. Remember to thank Archangel Azrael and the divine for the assistance. 4. Close the Doorway Once the spirit has been ‘released’ into the light, you can invite any other earthbound Spirits who may be hanging around and interested in crossing over, to join this Spirit into the light. Sometimes, others will see that the window is open, and show up out of nowhere! They see the ‘porch lights on’ and are feel safe and ready to cross, so, invite them to join the party . Once you are complete, however, it is essential to consciously close the doorway, and you can do this by verbally saying something along the lines of, “This healing is now whole and complete, in all dimensions of time and space”, or visualizing the window of light from the Spiritual Realm, closing. This intention ‘seals’ the doorway and prevents any Spirits who may have not yet fully crossed from coming back onto the earth plane prior to when their transition is complete. While any well intentioned, conscious, and spiritually awakened individual can attempt to “cross over Spirits”, it is best done by a confident professional and it really is not a game. If you have a friend who has crossed over a Spirit before, you could ask this person to coach and guide you in the process, until you feel comfortable. ~~~~Working with Spirits that want to move on and cross over is a beautiful and honoring experience, one that is powerful, inspiring, and to be grateful for. Their gratitude is felt when the session is complete like a flood of unconditional love and light. Whether or not you choose to assist the Ghosts around us in their transition to the Spiritual Realm, eventually, we will all be united in the Spiritual Realm with our soul families, able to see all of the facets of our decisions, life choices and mistakes.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:49:24 +0000

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