glory to GOD FOR TRUTH Amen ! I give the glory to GOD THE - TopicsExpress


glory to GOD FOR TRUTH Amen ! I give the glory to GOD THE GlORY GOES TO MY LORD JESUS AMEN ! THANK YOU FATHER GOD !!!!!! There is a most holy place within us, in our spirit, where our Lord ever dwells beyond the passions of the soul and the lusts of the flesh; it is there we must enter! No enemy can reach you in this precious retreat: neither can any enemy get you out of it if by faith you abide in HIM. Is the adversary tormenting you with fears and forebodings? Hide away in the secret place where you know the truth as it is in Him! Is there something that is disturbing and distressing you? Hide away in God in the inner sanctum of your spirit; be still before Him there, commit your way unto Him and He will bring it to pass. Are you misunderstood and unjustly accused and maligned? Find the rent place in the veil, Christ, and hide away; for this veil was rent for you and me and for every son of God that our lives might be hid with Christ in God. People who see us in our outer form do not know that we are hiding away in the secret place of the most High! They see only a heavenly, supernatural calm, which abides through every storm and pressure; but God knows we are hiding away in the secret place, and He communes with us there. When we abide in the secret place of His spirit and life, we are as much hidden away as God can hide us. Walking in the conscious awareness of His indwelling presence and His overshadowing power is a secret realm the world cannot see nor comprehend. Those about us see our bodies walking around on earth, just as the ancient Israelites could gaze upon the outward form of the temple; but they do not know that we, who live in these frail tents, are hidden away so that neither man nor devil can find or touch us! When we take this place and abide there, at every step we prove that Yahweh, the authority of God’s life, the most High, is a wall of fire round us and that He is the glory within. Dear sons of the most High, ABIDE IN HIM! It is alone with our Lord; it is when the strife and opinions of the human have ceased; it is when earth has receded and heaven and eternity have drawn near enough for us to begin to see the unseen, that the voice of our Lord is heard in our hearts, and His beauty appears in His temple! It is in such separation and communion, that His image begins to be manifested. God would have us dwell in His presence until it is the atmosphere we breathe, the breath and source of our life; until it is so our identity and our reality that we are hardly conscious of this holy relation with God as anything distinct from our outer world. O precious Secret Place, O wondrous Habitation, which can only be found when new vision is given to the sons of the most High! O blessed hiding-place where no one but God is with us, and no eye but His beholds us as we perfectly abide there! What strength and power, what refreshing and holy swiftness to those who make the most High their habitation, who dwell in the secret place of the most High! Yet, it is not enough that we dwell there in this secret, holy place. You are the temple in heaven! God wants to “open” the temple of God in heaven! He purposes to open you up, to bring forth a revelation and a manifestation out of your innermost being. He seeks to completely uncover that holiest place within you where He resides in your spirit, the ark of His covenant inside of you. This brings the visible expression and manifestation of His presence, purpose, nature, life, glory, and power in your life. He is moving to open that up that it may be seen by all in the city of God and ultimately by the whole vast creation! In this connection Ray Prinzing has shed wonderful illumination upon our path. He wrote, “For so long God has quickened truth to His ‘hidden ones,’ and sealed it up within them, to work in their own being its transformation process. ‘Until the time that His word came: the word of the Lord tried him’ (Ps. 105:19). ‘I have given them Thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world’ (Jn. 17:14,16). It is HIS WORD, and we receive it, not to immediately run and broadcast it everywhere, casting it as pearls before swine, but it is to WORK IN US until we are fully changed. However, not forever does the process continue — though the ‘bread corn is bruised; (yet) He will not ever be threshing it’ (Isa. 28:28). Threshing — breaking — NOT FOREVER, only until it has done its work, then follows a joyful victory. There came a time, when on the cross, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ And there shall come that day when He shall have brought to a successful conclusion His redemptive work in His people. When the temple is opened, ‘there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament.’ All of the Christ within His elect shall be revealed, seen in His temple! He is the ark of the testament, the center of our testimony and victory, and it is to Him that we shall bear witness — of His salvation, of His life!”
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:45:51 +0000

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