glory to GOD FOR TRUTH Amen ! THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES My - TopicsExpress


glory to GOD FOR TRUTH Amen ! THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES My spirit thrills with the harmonies of heaven as I contemplate these things and the glories typified by the four Living Creatures unfold within my spiritual understanding, for truly they reveal the nature of throneship, the realm of God’s omnipotent power and sovereign dominion. They bespeak the position and ministry of KINGSHIP. God REIGNS! The Lamb REIGNS! The four Living Creatures REIGN! The overcomers REIGN! The manchild REIGNS! All are IN THE THRONE! What else would you do in the throne? And if you would share that throne as a king in God’s kingdom, then the nature of God, which is the nature of the Lamb, which is the nature of the four Living Creatures, is now becoming your nature, too! “And…the four Living Creatures and the four and twenty Elders…sung a new song, saying, Thou art worth to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God KINGS AND PRIESTS: and we shall reign on the earth” (Rev. 5:8-10). There we have the clearest possible identification of the four Living Creatures. They are God’s kings! They represent His kingship! They are they that reign! Not in heaven — on the earth! They are God’s government on earth! Now let us consider for a moment the fact that these Living Creatures are four. When ancient man went outside of his home and looked about him, he had no conception of the modern world as we know it. No Copernicus had ever opened his eyes to the vast significance of the universe. To him the world was a great flat surface with four boundaries, east and west and north and south. There were four winds from the four sides of the earth. Thus, when he thought of the world he thought in terms of four. Four became the cosmic number. The world in which men lived and worked and died, was conveniently symbolized by four. There were four corners of the earth; four elements of earth, air, fire, and water; four seasons, and four phases of the moon; the great “World Powers” as revealed to the prophet Daniel were four in number: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Four is the number of all that is worldly, world-wide, or universal. Thus, the four Living Creatures in the midst of the throne, who reign on the earth, signify the world-wide, all-encompassing, and universal power and dominion of the life of God from His throne! What power pertains to those who are seated with Christ in His throne! And you, dear called and chosen of the Lord, are seated with Christ in the highest of the heavens! You are not seated there to sing and shout and dance all over God’s heaven. Oh, no! You have been apprehended to His throne to rule, to reign over the earth! Simply speaking, to reign is to exercise authority for God — to rule all things. God’s one intention from the beginning has been that He may make man in His image and likeness and give him dominion — that he may reign for Him in the universe. Although this matter of reigning will not be completely realized until the manifestation of the sons of God, yet today God wants it to have a beginning on earth. If any believer has not yet reached the degree of reigning for God, he has missed God’s purpose in creating man. There must be such people prepared by God that through them the authority of God can be executed and the kingdom of God can come to pass upon earth.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 18:18:23 +0000

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