glory to GOD FOR TRUTH Amen ! The Philippian church most - TopicsExpress


glory to GOD FOR TRUTH Amen ! The Philippian church most certainly consisted of both Jews and Gentiles. The first convert was Lydia, who was a Jewess (Acts 16:14). Then followed the case of the girl possessed with a spirit of divination. Paul cast out the spirit, and undoubtedly the girl was saved. In Acts 16:19-21 we learn that her masters were Romans, which means in all probability that the girl was also Roman. Then followed the conversion of the Philippian jailer, who most certainly was a Gentile. It is only reasonable to conclude that the greater part of the Philippian church was Gentile proselytes to Judaism or pagans, as were the other churches founded by Paul who was the apostle to the nations. Now note carefully what Paul says to these believers, most of whom were Gentile converts. "WE are the circumcision!" And oh, that the Lord’s people today might learn this simple, yet immensely important truth! "WE (both Israelite and Gentile) are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have NO CONFIDENCE IN THE FLESH!" (Phil. 3:3). It is high time for us to understand that natural birth has nothing at all to do with being of the circumcision, the called and chosen elect of God! Circumcision marks those who are His! And the only circumcision God recognizes is of the heart, in the spirit! "Except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." Natural lineage from the house of Judah, the house of Israel, or any other race or people has nothing whatever to do with making us the called and chosen elect of God! WE are the circumcision who have no confidence in the flesh! But we, Jew, Israelite, Gentile, rich, poor, free, bond, male, female, worship God in the spirit through the circumcision of our hearts by faith! We might write for the next fifty years concerning the glorious truths of sonship and the kingdom of God, but no factor of this truth is more solemn or of greater import than the words of our Lord wherein He stated, "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing" (Jn. 6:63). Notice that Jesus did not say that the flesh profits a little, or is the first prerequisite, or has a small advantage, or that the flesh gives you a head start towards sonship. Oh, no! He said plainly, "The flesh profiteth N-O-T-H-I-N-G!" It is vain and foolish to trust in the flesh, and John the Baptist put it rather succinctly, "And begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father…" (Lk. 3:8). So you have Abraham for your father! That fact isn’t worth a hill of beans! That fact will not make you a son of God, it will not get you into the kingdom, nor will it enable you to inherit the promises! In order to qualify as the Israel of God we must be quickened by the Spirit of God, worship God in the spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, have a circumcision of our heart by the operation of God, and have no confidence at all in the flesh!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:46:27 +0000

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