gm to everyone i pray that you all had a wonderful and peaceful - TopicsExpress


gm to everyone i pray that you all had a wonderful and peaceful night of rest.thank god for another day that was not promised to us.this mornin let us go to the book of GALATIANS 6;7-9.and the word of the lord reads;be not deceived;god is not mocked;for whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap.for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption;but he that soweth to the SPIRIT shall of the SPIRIT reap life everlastin.and let us not be weary in well doin;for in due season we shall reap,if we faint not.....may god add a blessin to the readin of his word....wishin you all a very blessed day,let us not forget to take the lord with us every where we go.AMEN?......
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 12:14:55 +0000

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