!! god and light cont. t he thing is I am not sure that we - TopicsExpress


!! god and light cont. t he thing is I am not sure that we would make it out the other side as aything other than a stream of pure energy information at least not right away. Rather than being like the transporter of star trek were we are in a cacoon of spacetime info that is reassembled, what if the other side has to go through an all new big bang enrgy to condensation to hi bossons to quarks to denserto Hydrogen and he and star and boom and dust and strat and iron and uraniauma and planet and lavaa.... to me and all of my stupid mistakles. It would be like Harlan Ellison said, the most common elemetns in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. and we just repeat the same stupid and stupid oover and over until less energy is wasted each time on the stupid and used more ont eh building of life the universe and everything . we are not a beginning and and end and we are that sodium ion that was sweatyed out by napokean at waterloo as taught me by doctor allen and is in the interstitial tissue of my finger nail bed on this key board now. this moorning was in a salt shaker. so the info is about skipping the napoleons and the wassted heat. the matter is neither created or destroyed just perpetually rearranged in the blackhole batteries of the stars as they bounce around each other by starlight. My decisions would make choices to survie and add. It is relative to my mantra on my farm. the number one goal of a business is not profit, but to stay in business. a farms profit cannot be measured by meager money alone. it;s wealth is in the people it builds, the friends that it helps in time of need the goods that it stores to build to fead the sick to cloth the naked cold to shelter the poor from the elements. To put a value on that in dollars or yen or pounds is vulgar it is a simple truth of informational beauty that any farmer from any time remembers/s sees as that immutable hope that is. the transfer and management of resources in sustainable ways that shelters and provides space for mthe growth of culture and the fealings of safety that come with hearth and home it han be taught and it is the smell of hope it s the woodpeckers arguing over the choice of foliage for the fall/winter nest in teh tree that came from the tree that the farmer chose a spot for that information made for surplus and spacetime for education. civil. It is its own very right to exist here and now. based on all the physical constraints engineering. better interaction co-witness. I am wondering if the higgs boson is not the thing but just the further evidence of the thing that is not the gdo particle but the translation of the observance of that HIGGS BOSSON PARTICLE ON THAT PLANE OF SPACE AT CERN ON 14 MARCH2013. oR RATHER THE WAVES OF LIGHT THAT PASSES OFF THE VAPOR TRAIL THAT IT LEFT IN THIS SPACE AND TIME IN THIS ITERATION OF THIS UNIVERSE. That recording. There were many trees that fell in the woods but we were there to here this one and recorded it for posterity. So the information winds onto the spinning surface like the giant bll of galactic yarn where spacetime is wrapped around these bits of information in discreet packets of information that start and stop as threads of energymatterlightarea are laid down on the surface of this event horizon. Surely this is able to transfer some connetion as no space should be able to be inbetween the information writing. matter streams toward the black hole and is spaghettified and turned into pure EMC defined by this line of lightarea wrapped in the warped spacetime. surely this bits of information must touch the next, effectively recording the vibraton of the information like all of these individual grooves of records. string by string spun into this double helix of spacetime light and energymasslightarea along the spinning(?) surface of recording the spacetime,direction,speed,length onto this rolling ball of singularity taking up the cosmic yarn. Recording the sound of the universe in lightwaveparitclematterenergylight. The information layer on layer rolling up bearing witness to time and information itself. What about just pure energy. electromagnetic wave through space time. Would that become a true EM wave as it got pulled onto the surface of the event horizon? Being stored in wave form as energy/mass or just C2? light area on that surface. Could it then be transmitted out the other side as just a signal? Or would the signal of an I love Lucy show go in as an episode where she is struggling in the chocolate factory, be stored as bits crushed down into the stuff of the big bang and evolve out into a future cute and funny looking ginger dinosaur, that has her course and goes back in getting recycled into thousand millions of other iterations before bouncing into a dna that we would recognize as Lucy and this grows a concept in the specially tuned mind of DesiLu entertainment. Would it be distorted by the information around it? frustrating Desi and lucille as they make their life and comedy togehter. maybe the idea doesnt fully form next time because of someone elses wasted energies. Would it come out in a more pure form based on the new decisions made by the new Lucille Ball and Desi on the other side of the worm hole? Would they fight less and make more episodes the next time and stay married longer and have more children, less arguements? Better laugh from the audience another beat to form the next line and a more perfect delivery, tone perfect. A higher energy state; another quantum level of comedy. Did the apostle john witness this surrounding chorus of heavenly hosts in revelations. Telling gospel good stories, or the good news and was he hearing the current reverberations of the recordings bouncing around the universe in pure, most discreet pure forms of energy. Have we all heard it in the hum of our radios bebopping down the street between the stations? So does the universe eternally expand, never having a beginning or an end? Is information the stuff of the universe? I am thinking that there may very well be limits that fold in on themselves.Perhaps the energy expands as far as it can repel distant from other movement then the small forces of gravity take over building the bend of spacetime and light back in to another singularity and big bang and the singular information of all that is expands out again playing its show of sound and fury. Perhaps each iteration becomes a more purely directional dispersement of energy about the universe until every bit if information is scattered around the ballooned spacetime of the universe. Each little bit of lightspacetimeenergymasslightlight is equally distributed into the largest, most regular possible shape with each bit of information equally distant away from every other bit and the light is traveling away from every other light so that the dopplar shift would be complete. and dark. Then the weak force of gravity would pull. And the bits would all come back together with no retained information and that would be a true new beginning and the let there be light moment. Or maybe at that equidistant expansion of the universe all would be in equilibrium and absolute zero happens with no input possible from anywhere when. The universe could end in silence without a whimper. Oblivion. Our refined tempered thoughts and decisions might be able to influence the more perfectness of the universe. Perhaps Abraham Lincoln had some of the best ideas of peace. I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. I am thinking that good will. I truly believe that their is no us and them there is only us. We are not to waste our energies being the tyrants. The Napoleans embrace power but burn out like the supernovas. Thinking that the death and heat is more waste than good. what is that input statement of pain and loss looking like on the battlefields? Those missed opportunities by the young dead and the scorched hopes of a generation or more in hate and revenge. Am I correct in thinking that the fabric of the universe is defined by the light traveling through it? With no light to define it, would the fabric of the universe cease to exist? With light traveling out perfectly, would it just keep going? Is this the ultimate goal of the uncertainty principle? The light streams out away from all other light. and perfectly converted matter into energy, just goes. With all light moving away from each other path of light, would not all be unobserved by every other path of light? No interaction would mean no witness, co-witness of spacetime, direction, speed. It would be neither here, nor there. now , nor then. Does space collapse on itself back into existance or keep apart and out of measure and existance. Does only then light slow down to zero with no spacetime to measure? Does it carry spacetime with it forever. Does it surf its own wave,atop its own particle, flowing its own current through spacetime? into space time? out of spacetime? Thought I would share
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 10:29:27 +0000

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