goingdown.myplexusproducts/ ambassador # 260707 Dustin - TopicsExpress


goingdown.myplexusproducts/ ambassador # 260707 Dustin says~ Where do I even start? First and foremost I give all the glory and honor to God. Without him my Plexus journey and getting healthy would have never happened. Coming to China was a blessing in disguise. God has blessed me beyond my imagination. It has been one of the best journeys in my life! This past year has been an amazing journey that I will never forget! I am looking forward to many more years with Plexus. I was the Facebook stalker who always liked Sandra’s (my friend) posts but never acted upon it. I tried Plexus 3 years ago. I didn’t follow directions and I was doing the Biggest Loser at a local gym. I was just trying to supplement my weight loss. In June 2013, I finally acted and sent Sandra a private message. I was ready for a change in my life. I had no energy, couldn’t sleep at night, depressed, and over weight. For the people that I knew me before Plexus I have always been the positive and encouraging person to everyone. I have always put everyone first and me second. I have always been a leader who everyone looks up to. I try to do my best at every thing I do. I never meet strangers! I was stuck in another country just wasting time and my resources so I signed up to get the best deal on the products. Sandra told me “I hope you are ready for the ride of your life.” I was like ok I am in China no way possible. Coming to China was a blessing in disguise. I never thought in a million years that this stuff called Plexus would work on me. I have tried it all from Ace, Advocare, Limu, Weight Watchers, Adipex, joining a gym and weekly shots from the weight doctor. I prayed about Plexus as I was waiting for my soon to be roommate to arrive in China with my products. I started on Thursday, June 28 on the train from Beijing to our home city in Jinzhou. I couldn’t wait to get started. Plexus soon started changing my life day by day. At the end of the first month I was also down 15 lbs and 11 in. After posting my 1st month picture the messages started coming in everyday. I was like wow people are noticing except for me. I didnt change my eating habits because I wanted to set an example for all the “EXCUSE MAKERS” out there. I work late everyday. I didn’t exercise. I still ate what I wanted and when I wanted. I did the same thing for the 2nd month as well. 2nd month I lost another 11 lbs and 15 in. I posted my 2nd month picture and it was like WOW WOW! Message after message started coming in. I received a Facebook message from a lady named Sheila one night. I will never ever forget the message or the phone call. She wanted me to do the Wednesday Night Opportunity Call that week. I sent Sandra a message and said “Who in the heck is Sheila?” I told her what she wanted and she said “Call her back ASAP.” So I called and messaged her back and that Wednesday night I shared my testimony in only 2 short months with Plexus. That is when it hit me that I was on to something with this Plexus. I said to myself it is time to get serious Dustin. People are looking up to you and following you. So, I started watching what I ate and started not eating after 5 pm. Drinking my water daily and being consistent. I started becoming the product of the product. I started praying that God would send me one person a day to talk Plexus with. He sometimes sends me just one and some days I have too many to count. I was given the opportunity on February 1st to participate in the first ever Plexus Virtual Summit. What a blessing that was! I am down 137 lbs and 92 inches in 1 year! I have also gone from a size 44 pants to 32 pants and gone from a XXL shirt to L shirt. Losing 100+ hasnt been an easy road. Ive had to overcome many obstacles along the way but I kept my eyes on the ULTIMATE GOAL! I never lost FOCUS! I have proved to the naysayers that Plexus works people! You just have to stay focused! How much is your health worth to you? To me my health means the world to me! I will only live once here on this great Earth so I want to make it count as long as I am given the opportunity to serve The Lord here. The key to Plexus is to be consistent everyday and drink half your weight in ounces of water everyday. People ask me what my regimen is all the time! So here it is folks! This regimen is NOT recommended by Plexus so please take at your own risk. I take the Fab 7: Slim, Accelerator+, Boost, Fast Relief, Probio5, BioCleanse and X Factor. I take my slim as a hot shot every morning with 1 Boost, 1 Accelerator+, 1 Fast Relief, 2 ProBio5, 2 BioCleanse, and 2 X Factors. In the afternoon, I take 1 boost, 1 accelerator+, 1 Fast Relief, and 2 BioCleanse. I also drink 2 cups of hot tea in the afternoon. I have changed my regimen up each month to keep my body in shock. I do not count this towards my water intake. Everyone is different do what you feel works for you. Dont make Plexus a diet because its not! Its a lifestyle change. Plexus will help you make healthier choices. If you add exercise youll see even greater results: Trust Me! I even gained 10 lbs when I started the new accelerator and plateaued out for 7.5 weeks. I gained 10 lbs when I started the boost too. I didnt give up, I didnt complain! I just kept right on taking my Plexus products! I believe in them and will never stop taking them! They’re a gift from God. God has truly blessed me on this journey. I made numerous new friends who are like family to me. Not only have I created a new lifestyle for myself, improved my health, lost weight, made self-improvements, helping others, and educated myself on a healthier lifestyle in just a few short months. Dustin is back with more confidence than ever! I am so passionate about Plexus! I love to talk about it and share what it has done in my life along with what God has done. I want to tell the world 1 by 1. Plexus has given me another outlet in life to share my faith. I received my certificate as a Certified Personal Trainer from the National Academy of Sports Medicine this month. I am now enrolled in the following courses Weight Loss Specialist and Nutrition Specialist. I have set goals that I want to achieve in 2014! I want to have ABs by December. I have reached all my goals before the deadline. Now, I just want to stay healthy and fit. I still have some fat to burn off. I work out at least twice a day 4 times a week. We only live once so why hold my PASSION back! My PASSION is to help others get healthy and show them love and encouragement. I once was a quitter but not anymore. I was a been there done that person too but not anymore. Now I am either join me or watch me person! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and encouraged me along the way! It is much appreciated! You have no idea it has kept me going! Being away from home for almost 2 years Ive needed all the new Plexus family to help keep me going. I pray that you can be successful as well with Plexus. Love you all! Blessings from China!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:57:02 +0000

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