goingdown.myplexusproducts/ ambassador # 260707 There is a - TopicsExpress


goingdown.myplexusproducts/ ambassador # 260707 There is a special on till June 29th if anyone is ordering - $5 of slim/boost combo Sharons story~ My Plexus story began in May of 2013. I was on Facebook and noticed my friend talking about this amazing product. I messaged her for more information. She told me I would love it and if I didnt, she would buy it back from me. The challenge was on! I was set out to prove her wrong. Why should I believe in this stuff? I had tried everything out there one time or another and I couldnt budge my weight. I blamed it on age, menopause, my back problems, everything. After my first 3-4 days, I was thinking to myself, this is different. I can still eat, not feeling deprived but yet, I am satisfied....hmm. Well, after the first week, I was HOOKED! I started my journey on Memorial Day 2013 (a day I could remember to keep track. Ha!) My friend told me, be sure and take photos and measurements. Well, I didnt take photos, because like I said, this stuff isnt going to work, why waste time? I was at least 30-35 pounds overweight. I had four back surgeries and my doctor had told me for every pound of fat, is 4 pounds of pressure on your joints/back. Well OK, 30 pounds was 120 pounds of extra pressure on my back, WOW...thats like four of my 30 pound dog food, that I can barely lift. What if I had 4 of those bags on my extended arms? Yeah, it is time to take control. I was on blood pressure medicines, my back hurt, I had constant stomach problems (that lovely Candida stuff was eating me up!)I though that it was my gallbladder or something, because my stomach hurt daily. I would have horrible headaches almost daily, even to the point of migraines. I had been to several doctors and they couldnt tell me why I felt so bad. I didnt have any energy, I didnt sleep well at all, my stomach was constantly hurting and felt gassy and bloated, all of the time. The doctor offered me antidepressants. OMG, I am not depressed I just feel bad and something is wrong. Anyway, I tell everyone now that Glenda was my guardian angel and saved me from really being depressed and feeling like it was all in my head! I started the Pro Bio 5, Bio Cleanse, Slim and Accelerator. Within the first month, I was down 9lbs. I no longer have stomach issues, I have tons of energy, I sleep like a baby and have lost more weight (bonus)!!! I feel better that I have felt in 15 years! I am 56 now and feel amazing. I am no longer on an medications and I rarely have a headache. I use to crave starches like bread, potatoes, chips, salty stuff, all the stuff that isnt good for you. Now, I crave roasted broccoli (crazy!) but I am a believer of getting your body rid of that Candida. It changed my whole way of thinking and eating (I wasnt even trying..ha!). My back doctor told me that I needed metal in my back as I had 3 discs rupture and break off, but now my back feels better because of the weight loss and no metal needed, for now : ) As of January 1, 2014, I am down 40lbs. and have maintained and kept it it off. I still take the Pro Bio 5, Bio Cleanse and drink the Slim. I do not take the Accelerator and the weight is still off. I told my friend Glenda, that I truly believe that Plexus worked on my brain, too. I have better eating sense, quit when I am satisfied and enjoy life! Thank you Plexus for making me feel young, again!!!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:26:43 +0000

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