Green Goblin is up to no good again last week! - TopicsExpress

   Green Goblin is up to no good again last week! Most Heroes that scored high in last weeks issue enlist the help of Green Goblin. Andy Lim Kuok Chuan is at the top of the table now leading the pack of 20 Heroes. His 5 wins and only 3 losses puts him on top. Kal Shoji bringing in the help of the psychic chrome dome, Professor Charles Xavier and the Tsarina of espionage Natasha Romanoff, landed him in 2nd place with 4 wins and 2 losses. Johan Jamal who went green last week is in 3rd with 16 wins and 9 losses after 3 weeks. Its was a surprising turn of event when Norman Osborn decide to work together with the big guy, the Green Goliath. Udeshpool broke through the 4th wall (puns intended) and with his mighty result of 6 wins and only 2 losses last issue he rounds up the top 4. Wan Muhammad brought the Fury of the Earths Mightiest Heroes, double striking his way to 5th place. While Nik the Greek Iskandar with his team up of Gobby and Johnny Storm, storming his way to 6th place. Syahli the Rocketman is in 7th place, came back in the last issue after his stint of protecting another sector of the universe. He won and lost a total of 4 games last week bringing his total score to 24 points. Anthony Antman Royal, surprised us last issue when he got Logan to work together with Gobby. The Wall Crawler joined the unlikely duo and brought his game to 8th place with 4 wins and 5 losses. In 9th place, we got Kevin Tan with Gobby and Tsarina came in late last issue scoring a bye and won in the last two panel he was in. He won last week with a score of 6 wins and only 1 loss. Ady Cheong barrages his way with the Canucklehead to the last spot in the top half of the league. He ends the issue in 10th place with 3 wins and 5 losses. Muhammad Azfar Abdullah and Josef tied with 16 points with 8 wins and 15 loss each. With Raving mad Ravin Ramday in lucky number 13 spot, bringing in the hurtin with the Green Goliath and Johnny Storm. In 14th place we have Azrin Madin with his 3 wins and 3 losses that brought his total score to 14 points last issue. While Amir Hamzah is in 15th place was seen lurking in the background in a few panels , watching with glee all the other heroes duking it out while he did not participate himself. Alexander the Lion whom we learn will be in a crossover with another European comic will be unable to join us for now. Only time will tell if he will make a come back to redeem himself from his 16th spot. In 17th and 18th place we have Azrul and BearBear Haswad with 10 points each. Haswad placed lower because of his number of losses compared to Azrul. Ahmad dropped to 19th spot with him unable to be written in the last issue. While Riznal Rizzo Abidin is in the last spot with only 3 wins and 6 losses. Will we be able to see Rizzo in action in this weeks issue? Will the writer write Ahmad in? Will Amir be back with a vengeance this week after all that meticulous planning in the shadows? All this and more will be answered in this Saturday 11th Oct.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:15:38 +0000

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