good afternoon people...just came from our Family Day celebrations - TopicsExpress


good afternoon people...just came from our Family Day celebrations in my sons school.actually, we start the family day since yesterday. by way of decorating our place in the school. that alone is some way of bonding with the other parents present, doing what they can contribute in the preparation of the place. rpior to the day itself, thursday, my son wasadmitted to the school clinic, nursing a fever. he only finished halfday , and pick him up, to bring him to his pedia. his pedia is in tandem with a another doctor who deals with grownups. i was also tended by the other dra. we both were injected. my sons has a cough and cold, with allergy. i was diagnosed with flu already....maybe thats why my voice sounded like frank sinatra.... then we were both given antibiotic son was absent yesterdy. while i attended a meeting in sta rosa, laguna. the meeting was depressing. its not what i expected. anyway, i went home, depressed on what i just realized our situation were. anyway, my spirit was lift up when as i arrived home, i saw my little angel, up and about as if nothings wrong with him. although theres a little bit of sneezing and occasional coughing, but he is perspiring. sign the fever is gone and the medicine are working. but me, well i cant afford to not to feel not well !!!! i have to work, talk to people everyday, negotiate blah blah .... he dressed up, and we went to the school for the preparation of the decorations....we call it a day by 830pm. im done very tired. after all the rituals we go to bed, he immediately fall asllep, while i still play games in tired but cant get to sleep. well what is running in my mind is just i think i want a break....and the whole of the day, while in our family day celebs, i was thinking were to go to for a break. i will just have to check the school vacation of my son...after which, maybe we will go to timbuktu, in syria, wherever, i will think about recharge, and recalibrate my focus....i need a volunteer to bang my head .... happy weekend everyall....
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 09:12:21 +0000

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