good morning everyone may the goddess bless all seize the - TopicsExpress


good morning everyone may the goddess bless all seize the day be kind “O Gracious Goddess, O Gracious God, Lend me health, strength, and love During this coming day. Assist me with challenges ahead. Share Your divine wisdom. Teach me to respect all things. Remind me that the greatest power of all is love. Blessed be.” We all need a morning prayer. An altar is an elevated place or structure, as a mound or platform, at which religious rites are performed or on which offerings are made to gods, ancestors, etc. There is much debate as to what an altar should be made out of and even its shape. Some people feel that an altar should be circular and not contain any nails in its creation. The reason for this being that the circular shape is reflective of the magick circle and the cycle of life and the omitting of nails and the like is due to their belief that the metal interferes with the energies within the circle. On the flip side though, there are people that feel that having nails in its construction doesnt affect anything. Some of these people have rectangular, oblong, square, and even diamond and star shaped altars. There are people who use tree stumps and even their coffee table in their living room. What you choose to use, how its made, and what it is made of is up to you. You are going to hear from many people saying things like Do what feels right. or Trust your instincts. or something of the like. I know this isnt always the answer you want to hear but there is good reason for all of us saying it. We say these things to you because we cannot tell you what is right for you. You have to march to the beat of your own drum and learn to trust and believe in yourself. If you are unable to dedicate a single piece of furniture for the sole purpose of an altar due to either space, prying eyes, or functionality; it is recommended that you be sure to bless the altar before each use. There is one thing that most of us can agree on in regards to altars and all tools and that is that it should be made out of natural ingredients as much as possible. After all, this is a religion of nature. It is customary to have the altar facing North as this direction symbolizes stability and focus. There is however people that choose to face the other directions. There are also times when a witch will change the direction the altar faces dependent upon the working being performed. An example of such an occasion would be during a funerary ritual in which the altar would face West which is the direction of death and rebirth. Another example would be for a wiccaning or the blessing of a newborn child. In this case the direction of the altar would commonly be East because this direction represents new beginnings. Altars are commonly decorated to represent the occasion of its use. For the lunar rituals, known as Esbats, the standard altar set up is normally used. On occasions like the holy days, known as Sabbats, the altar is seasonally decorated. Decorating your altar is not mandatory but it does help to put you in the mood. Everyone loves decorations BB )0(
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:53:11 +0000

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