good morning facebook! sunday march 23rd with our little bit of - TopicsExpress


good morning facebook! sunday march 23rd with our little bit of sunday every day entitled: promoting unity! but before I do get started I do want to request prayer for a 9 month old boy that channel 2 news just told about was at childrens health care of Atlanta in the icu unit fighting for his life! he was left with the mothers boyfriend and he called saying that the baby boy was having trouble breathing! no arrests have been made in the case yet! the language of proverbs 6: 16=19 is strong. in the citing of seven things the lord hates sowing discord among brethren makes the list. the reason for naming this sin is that it spoils the unity that Christ desires for his followers (john 17:21=22). those who sow discord may not initially set out to create divisions. they may be preoccupied instead with their personal needs or the interests of a group they belong to (james 4: 1=10). consider how lots herdsmen argued with those of Abraham (gen. 13: 1=18): christs disciples argued about personal preeminence (luke 9:46): and diverse groups in the church at Corinth elevated party factions above the unity of the spirit (1 cor. 3: 1=7). so what is the best way to promote unity? it begins with the transformation of the heart. when we adopt the mind of Christ we develop an attitude of humility and we focus on service towards others (phil. 2:5-11). only in him can we access the power to look out not only for (our) own interests but also for the interests of others (v.4). soon the needs and hopes of others become more important to us than our own. with growing bonds of love among us we find discord replaced with joy and unity (see ps. 133:1). =dennis fisher. like a mighty arm moves the church of god: brothers we are treading where the saints have trod. we are not divided all one body we= one hope and doctrine one in charity. =baring gould. we can accomplish more together than we can alone. read: proverbs 6: 16=19. the lord hates . . . one who sows discord among brethren. =proverbs 6:16 and 19. the bible in one year: Joshua 13=15 and luke 1:57=80. and in closing I do want to ask prayers once again for the 9 month old baby boy thats in the icu unit of childrens health care unit of Atlanta fighting for his life! and also please remember his family and the doctors and nurses responsible for his care and guide them and help them to know whats best in is care to help him to be well soon! the mothers boyfriend is changing his story as to what happened! however they just told that their still have been no arrests in the case! thank you in advance for those that will pray! and you cant walk with god and hold satans hand at the same time! the choice is yours to make! amen! praying that everybodys sunday is blessed and filled with much love joy and happiness too! god bless one and all! susan Catherine rose marsingill!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:35:49 +0000

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