good morning my friends, another cold morning so hope you all wrap - TopicsExpress


good morning my friends, another cold morning so hope you all wrap up warm today. today is another day to get up and win and in order for that to happen you have to first believe that you are worthy of being a winner. when we suffer with any form of mental health issue, getting up can be a hard enough task, let alone classing ourselves as a winner. its a hard road to get to a point where we look at ourselves in a positive light rather then constantly having a negative directed at ourselves.what do we really tell ourselves?. we can say were not good enough, unworthy, ugly, manipulative, too fat, too thin, boring, stupid.......the list is endless. if we are speaking like that to ourselves, then we will not achieve the positives in order to go forward in life.we all make remarks at who we are and what we believe to be true about ourselves and thats where the trouble lies, especially if we have any issues in our lives. for years i was incapable of saying one nice thing about myself. for starters i couldnt look in the mirror because i hated what was looking back at me. i could not identify with what i was seeing in my reflection. i hated myself.i had no value on who i was so saying positive things about myself was not ever in my day because i felt like i was scum. i could never receive love because i didnt love myself. i had nothing to offer the world, or so i felt so, when i got up every morning, it was a struggle not to keep the door shut and never venture out again. i had no connection to reality and i certainly did not want to take part anymore in society because i felt everyone was talking about me. i was a paranoid mess and couple that with the self sabotage and the negative comments i told myself, you can imagine where my head was at. i was completely removed from myself as a person. it was a horrible existence and it almost drove me insane. i would get moments of clarity and try and pull myself out of the hole i had dug myself. it wasnt long though before i was back in the hole scrambling to stop the darkness from taking over. i was a mess but thankfully i am working my way out of that hole and seeing the light now. when you wake this morning just take a moment to look at you in the mirror and really take a look. whats looking back is a very special and beautiful person. for some of us we wont be able to see that but we have to make a start and try and incorporate positives into our lives. write down positive affirmations and if you cant look in the mirror, leaving a note on the mirror telling you something positive will give you a boost. you have to believe that you are worthy of getting up and achieving all that the world has to offer. you are the one person that can change who you are and it all starts with how you perceive yourself. let today be your victory day and start the road of recovery and positivity. you have the power within you and your spirit and soul will carry you along. your unique, special, wanted and needed and you have so much to offer the world. you just have to believe it. lots of love my beautiful friends and be all you can be today xxxx aaron xxxxx
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:30:02 +0000

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