got a lot to do over the next few weeks. First and foremost, - TopicsExpress


got a lot to do over the next few weeks. First and foremost, finish the carving and send it off to my friend Bob. Second, finish sorting photos and send some photos of late brother Robert to his daughter. After the burns finish healing, start making knives again. Do a carving for Dr. Keel, Shaa-Wuts Veterinarian. You know, it is really amazing the stuff that goes into writing a novel. It is a lot of work... it isnt a matter of just putting words to paper, or computer as-it-were... there is a lot to think about. What is the plot? What is the story? Does it have a beginning, a middle and an end? The storyline has to be developed and a direction or, plot of the story needs to be laid out. Then, if its a fictional story, the characters need names, personality, gender, and even appearance. How old are they? Where are they from? What is their occupation? What is their role in the story plot of the novel? How much, or how little are they involved? Are they a major or a minor character? Where does the story begin? Where is it going? How will it end??? Wow, those are a lot of questions to consider, and that isnt even all of it. The characters need to be developed, their role in the story needs to have a place and to be anchored, whether brief, intermittent, or have roles throughout the story from beginning to end. How do their personalities fit into the story, how do you develop their characters, how do you write the story to make them fit into the story? What is the climax of the story, and how will the story end? Will it have a tragic ending, a melancholy ending, a dramatic ending, happy, sad, angry, or will it end in mystery...? Yup, more questions to ask. And these still arent all of them to ask. Most important of all, how long will your story be, how many words, how many chapters and how many pages from beginning to end? Will it have meaning, or will it be a mystery novel? Is it comedy, is it drama, fictional, fantasy, or horror? Is it suspenseful enough? Is it based on fact, or pure hypothetical and/or imaginative? In other words, decisions... decisions... decisions... and then, more decisions. these are just a few of the things I learned about when I started writing my novel a week ago. Its a fictional, futuristic story with many twists and turns... That is all you need to know. Oh, before I forget... when my story is finished, I will need to find a publicist and a publishing company to see if they will publish my book... No easy task since Ive never written a book before... tired now. Good night.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 03:24:58 +0000

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