got bored so wrote this dont mind spelling The Book Keeper - TopicsExpress


got bored so wrote this dont mind spelling The Book Keeper Th warehouse was quiet. Too quiet. It smelled af musty hot spices and herbs. I looked up away from the fire at the others gathered here.thirteen all together for this procice night, for thi prosise time.I could not see their faces as they could not see mine with are hoods drawn down. At a unheard sound we all turned to The Door. The thing about The Door its not just a door. A door opens and closes from one room to another but The Door opens from one realm to another and once opened only the other side can close it. I dont know how they got hold of one. Maybe someone built it like the one i read about in the Byook. A breeze started up by The Door moving leaves and dust around.A bolt was heard being pulled back. Two, then three of them. I wondered why what was coming through need to bolt its door? The handle turned and a reddish light appeared in the gaps of The Door as it opened. A wind came out hot and choking blowing up a dust storm into our faces. When it had passed a man stood there in the doorway the red light blazing behind him. He stepped through and took a deep breath. AAhh! he breathed out So long since i breathed such sweet air on a mortal world then turned and faced us.He was dark skined dressed in a very sharp black suit with a white tie and handkerchief. his black shoes so polished they reflected everything. His eyes were deep wells that pulled in everything and let nothing out. he was smiling like he just won the lottery and was looking to buy whatever he saw. Struggling i pulled my eyes away and resolved to keep them that way. So you are the beings that summoned me here through this portal he said looking at us. And what precisely for? Our leader the one who found us and brought us together and to this place stepped forwards. I summoned you here to give us powers that we might rule this world. We who are the outcasts of society, the forgotten ones wish to make them see us and tremble for their cruelty to us. The man in the suit looked at him and his smile got even wider showing perfect white teeth. A bit to many by the looks of it. Very well i and my assosiets can do this but it will require a price on your side of two parts. First a sacrifice of one here to keep The Door open. What is the second part? our leader said with out a pause. This made me look up straight at him. He must have known that this was coming. And the way in which he carried on i could see he didnt care if he had to sacrifice everyone of us to get what he wanted. This made my stomach turn. All those words and friendship made over the months leading up to this. all for what he wanted. Power. Not just power to make a difference but power to corrupt and hurt.I felt sick. The suited man answered The second part we will discuss after the sacrifice has been made putting emfercise on the meaning. Very well then turning our leader nodded to the others who grabbed me and dragged me forwards What the hell i shouted fighting back trying to get them off me but to no use. They dragged me and held me in front of their leader. Their Leader.The person who i had known for months. Gone to the pub with. Got introduced to my girlfriend with. Who Helped with my engagement dinner. He just stood there looking down at me. You must of known it was to easy for you to have all that you have with my help and there not to be a price. Turning back to the man in the suit this is the sacrifice we have all agreed too. Do what you will and they all stepped away leaving me to his will. He stepped over to me and pulled me up by my hair and looked at me turning my head side to side. This close i could smell him. Pungent must and decay Look at me, look at me he said. I tried very hard but in the end i had to look at him once i did i was caught by his eyes. Thats right look, look deep into my eyes, There is nothing but my eyes. Nothing to grab hold of nothing to stop the fall. And there is no stopping the fall. I was feeling my self drift away falling into his eyes. Then i stopped, stood up straight and smiled. What is this? he said stepping back. What is this ? Unbuttoning the clock and kicking it away i said This is where you get two choices. One you walk back through The Door and bolt it forever. Or two i get to play. Gulping he looked back at The Door then at me. If i go back there they will kill me. If tyou stay il have to do much worse. The leader, my ex-friend shouted what is the meaning of all this? Just kill him and be done with it. The suited man looked at him shaking with anger You do not understand. I can not kill him none of us can kill him. he then walked to The Door. All that time wasted he mumbled as he walked through. Closing The Door he looked back 10 years? he asked. 10 years I nodded back and The Door was closed and bolted. Walking up to The Door i inserted a Key and turned it locking it from my side. Pocketing the key i looked at my ex-friend Well, why you still here partys over. Go home. A look of puzzlement was on his face and the others What is going on. And why was he so scared of you? Whats going on is you all are going home never to meet or talk about this ever again. As for why he was scared shouldnt you be running by now? Turning my back on them i took the can of lighter fluid out of my pocket and sprayed The Door with it. Walking back to where i stored the petrol cans earlier sprayed them and walked a trail to the fire. By the time i did this only my ex-friend was still there the others having left rather quickly. Who are you? he asked. That you can do this so easily? Spraying the last into the fire setting the trail alight and pushing him out the door i said Dont look .Dont investigate. Just go back to your life and never do this again. Next time i wont be there to save you or your friends or others from what you were going to let into the world. and walked away as the warehouse exploded into flame with a white flash from the destroyed Door. Getting home i smelled pugent must and called No problems getting back then? Coming into the living room the man in the suit looked at me and said No, but you going to have to go there and check the other Doors, That was to close.. If i had not got there first that human would have stepped across and it would have been war. The peace signed in you dark ages would be broken and your world destroyed to save mine.Sitting down and drinking the coffee he gave me i said yes i read about that from The Byook you gave me. Looking at me he said Yes... suppose you must have read about it. Lifting an eyebrow he said Memory still bad from that fall then? Thinking hard and squeezing my eyes Yes. All i can remember is looking round the shop 5 years ago. Looking at the books thinking this is mine and then not knowing what i did before. No family, no friends, no school, where i grew up nothing.And all that was on the desk was The Byook open but with a blank page. Then you came in saw The Byook open the blank page looked at me and said O dear. Then explained to me that the Byook was not supposed to be given to me as it was yours and you were only aloud to read it. You were supposed to help me by using the Byook to stop bad things happening and now till my memories were back and the blank page filled you would stay and help. Its been 5 years are you shore you dont know what happened? I opened my eyes and looked at him all frigidity. No but as soon as i do il tell you. He got up and went into the kitchen leaving me with my suppositions.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:07:50 +0000

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