got over 5 likes. 1. Name; whitney dashaee.󾬓󾬔 2. Nickname; - TopicsExpress


got over 5 likes. 1. Name; whitney dashaee.󾬓󾬔 2. Nickname; whittt whittttt! 3. Elementary school; Carr creek, lol. 4. Sweats or jeans; sweats. 5. Orange or apple; apple. 6. Do you have a crush on someone; uhm. 7. Eat or drink; drink. 8. Piercings; belly button, lip, & ears. 9. Coke or Pepsi; Pepsi. Have you ever: 11. Been in a airplane; no. 12. Been in a car accident; no. 13. Been in a fist fight; sorta. First & last; 14. First piercing; ears. 15. First bestfriend; caley. 16. First award; student of the month. lol 17. First crush; uhm, I dont remember. 18. First word; mommy. 19. Last person you talked into in person; my sister. 20. Last person you texted; Patrick & Alexis. 21. Last person you watched a movie with; heather. 22. Last food you ate; pizza.󾥵 23. Last movie you watched in theaters; not sure. 24. Last song you listened too; stay.󾬓󾬔 25. Last person you hugged; my momma! Favorites; 26. Food; tacos. 27. Drink; pepsi. 28. Flower; rose.󾁁 29. Animal; dog.󾆷 30. Color; anything neon.󾬓󾬔 31. Place; myrtle beach. 32. Movie; the notebook. 33. Subject; none. 34. Fallin in love with someone; yeah. 35. Celebrated Halloween; sure have. 36. Went over texting limits on your phone; yes. 37. Wanted too smack someone upside the head; hell yeah. 38. Eaten a whole pizza; noo. 39. Did something you regret; yess. 40. Broke a promise; noo, dont think. 41. Hidden a secret; yeah. 42. Pretend to be happy; all the time.. Your future: 43. Want kids; yes, I want two. 44. Marriage; yes. 45. Career; pediatrician. Which is better in the opposite gender; 46. Lips or eyes; uhm idk. 47. Shorter or taller; taller. 48. Hook up or relationship; relationship. 49. Looks or personality; .. Have you ever: 50. Lost glasses/ contacts; yes. 51. Snuck out; like I said, did something I regret, yes. 52. Held something & dropped it; I do my phone like that all the time. 53. Broke someones heart; yeah, who hasnt? 54. Been in love; yeah. Do you believe in: 55. Yourself; sometimes, yes. 56. Miracles; at times. 57. Love at first sight; no. 58. Santa; no. 59. Forever & always; I want too. Truthfully: 60. Is there one person you wanna be with right now; yes. 61. Who your real friends are; I have about 3. 62. Who you last texted; I already answered this, Patrick & lexii. 63. Whos your bestfriend; Kelsey. 64. Guy you most trust; Patrick & brendan.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:50:33 +0000

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