ha youll ive been busy looks like things are going good for - TopicsExpress


ha youll ive been busy looks like things are going good for everyone hope to see youll soon let me know how the house is not sure how to handle that grew up there and dont want to let it go but im never going to be able to leave the animals here love all of them to much they keep me going the new baby lambs are so cute and the kittens have started to trust me they see me bring them food and water and when i shake the bowl they come running they wont come up to me but ypu can see the curiosuity they have about me nature rules something about this place that calms my soul peggy is here ive been putting in pegs garden lemon lime and orange trees grapes blueberries avacodos thats what ive been putting in this week im going to put some nuts in more grape varities for rasins too im going to make this place awesome i miss peg im always going to miss her sometime it hits me like a fist in the chest that im never going to see her on this earth again i hate that but there is nothing i can do to change that im tring to figure out how to make it with this hugh hole she left in my soul its not getting any easier just tring to stay in right direction let me know how you ll are doing love s.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 00:51:19 +0000

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