had write this to send in, thought some of you would enjoy reading - TopicsExpress


had write this to send in, thought some of you would enjoy reading what we did 2012-2013 in the Auxiliary. Highlights of American Legion Painter Bros Auxiliary Unit #102 2012 -2013 As usual the season in September starts with helping the men host a barbecue to kick off the year. We make salads and help serve while the men barbecue hamburgers for everyone. There were about 30 people that attended this event this year. In November we always hold a Veteran’s Day potluck and serve that. We had 48 people attend this event. The tables are always decorated in a red, white and blue theme. In December every year we make up Christmas plates for all of the single or elderly veterans in the area and deliver them. We delivered 22 of these plates of home baked goodies this year. We also every year if there is someone with a soldier deployed we try to do something extra for them like purchase a turkey at the local store. One December event that has become a tradition is the annual Christmas party. We have two ladies that do most of the cooking. We purchase prime rib from the Commissary on base and cook this up. There is no charge for this, we just take donations and try to recoup the cost of the meal. The Legion stands the cost if we fall short. This year we fed 52 members this delectable meal. We only ask people to bring a dessert. We send a huge amount of things to the Fort Harrison gift shop every year. We have a couple of members that spend all year making things to send to this event. They make an awful lot of crocheted and knitted items. We do not meet in January. In February we send out care packages to the active duty servicemen with a connection to our community. We use the flat rate boxes from the post office. A member goes around to the local businesses and gets donations of things to put in the boxes. These boxes go to all people serving even if they are serving stateside. There were 19 of these mailed out this year. March is a very busy month for us. We host the annual Ham Dinner every year. This is a fund raiser for our Vet’s Memorial Hall. We fed 160 people at this event last year. There is no charge for this, just donation. We held the birthday dinner in a local restaurant to a crowd of 50 people. Our unit president made the birthday cake along with one for a legionnaire who’s birthday was on the same day. We sent 3 girls for Girls State. If there are only 3 in the class we try to send them all if we can afford it. May is poppy poster time and we have a member that works closely with the kids to get these done. Last year we even had one that took second at state. On the designated poppy day we set up at the post office And meet people there. One member takes a junior member around to the businesses to deliver the poppies. The little girls look forward to this every year. All year long we have a member that opens the hall twice a month for the VA Service Officer to meet with the veterans. This is the same member that drives a couple of the veterans to doctor appointments in Great Falls and Helena. We have one illiterate veteran that we help on a regular basis and also provide baked goods to.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:18:09 +0000

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