hagel and kerry are lying... the arab league met yesterday here in - TopicsExpress


hagel and kerry are lying... the arab league met yesterday here in egypt and they do NOT support strikes on syria... the ONLY one was saudi arabia... also do not act holier than thou when israel builds illegal settlements... is aggressive to neighbors... and used white phosphorous in their assault on the gaza strip... white phosphorous is a banned chemical weapon... its use was not only supported by the american government but it was supplied by them... when you apply the same rules to israel that you apply to others then and only then might you have the right to consider actions against others... until such time do not pretend that it is a humanitarian measure to kill even more syrians... yes the lined up pictures of dead babies was sad... but so was the dead and mutilated bodies of palestinian children... so are the pictures of the starving children in somalia... so try again... obama is trying to save face because he let his ass override his mouth and now either has to crap or get off the pot... you talk about respect in the world... there has been no respect since bush was in office... face it usa... your tactics have failed over and over and you are a joke to all the world... it is time to clean up your image and play fairly... nations are ticked off over your spying... your arrogance... your manufactured wars... and your inability to clean up your own back yard and leave others alone...
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 19:35:57 +0000

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