haha just finished chapter five hope you pchapter 5: "emily!" - TopicsExpress


haha just finished chapter five hope you pchapter 5: "emily!" alice yelled to her sister who was asleep, she rubbed her eyes it was the weeked she wasent expecting an early wake up call let alone from alice. "what is it alice?" emily asked worridly alice wouldnt be awake at this time unless it was somthing important. "levinia called she needes us now!" emily shot up she wasnt about to let her best friend be alone in a situation that was obviously very important. emily got dressed and changed into wold fourm, her sister on the other hand was already ready. they ran as fast as they could get to there friend. "where is she?" emily asked while still running. "the grasslands" alice replied. the two wolves ran faster as fast as they could. as soon as they go there they stood looking around frnticly trying to find levinia, when they did they saw her in human fourm lying gown on the grass in a ball holding on to her stomache. "levinia!" alice said while running in her direction with emily following behind her. "levinia what happend!?" emily asked with tears in her eyes, she was pretty emotinal when it came to her friends especially when one was hurt. the two girls sat next to there cusion not only was she that to them she was there best friend. "emily alice?" levinia said weakly. alice looked down at levinias stomache. "levinia your bleeding what heppend!?" alice asked angerly and worridly. levinia lifted he hand from her stomache and weakly pointed next to them the two girls didnt see anything anything. levinia had a stronger eyesight then the wolves. "haha took you girls long enough to get here" said a familiar voice behind them. the two girl turned around two images came walking out of a dark black shadow. emily stared wide eyed in amazement. "derek....yuri?" emily said in shock. "well im not your grandma sweetheart." said yuri derek had an evil grin on his face. "what?!" alice said as she shot up. "you two are shadow casters!?" alice was shocked. "ha yeah shadow casters, the strangest species in the intire univurse." said darek. " and the most evil" said alice angerly, she was worrid inside but she refused to show it. look what they did to levinia a dragon! a dragon has the best sight and was fast and dont even get me started on strength. levinia was capible of killing me a wolf in a second but she didnt beacuse she treaded all supernatural creatures evenly as if they where her own kind. wolves had an amazing sence of smell and could hear the slightest sound from miles away and why were very strong, especially alice and emily beacuse of there magic abilities in there family, this made every thing they where good at ten times better. "derek?" emily asked sadly. "yeah its me the one you kissed" he said trying to make her feel bad. it worked her head held down in shame. by now alice had had enough she was willing to take any risk even if it ment her life she transformed and ran tourds the two shadow casters with all her might when she was a foot away from the two she hit somthing hard and fell on her back, she looked up and saw that thay had placed a forcefield around them for protenction. "stupid dog" said derek while walking over to alice he got over to her pullout his hand and a smoke came out of his hand and went right through alices skin. alice whimpered and turned into human form slowley she didnt want to danadge her strongest body more then it already was. "stop it!" emily screamed while crying "why should he?" yuri said while walking over to emily. "beacuse" emily said whiping the tears of her eyes and looked sternly at yuri. her bright purple eyes stared trait into yuris eyes. "beacuse what?" yuri said laughing. "are you sure you want to find out?" "ha im sure of it" yuri said with a grinn of her face. emily broke her stern stare and looked at derek who had just stoped tourchering alice and made his way infront of emily. emily stared at yuri and derek. "ha i knew a amountiantrooper wouldnt be able to do any damadge" said derek with a laugh. "agreed she did as much damadge as the ice freak over tere" yuri commented while pointing at levinia laying on the ground clenching on to her stomache i could tell she was starting to heal dragons seemed to heel fast but that didnt make up for the fact that the shadowcaster attempted to kill her sister and cusion. "shes an ice scalian get your facts right!" emily opend her mouth and screamed as loud as possible it shook the lands they where on the two shadowcasters held there ears tightly and befor emily knew it they where gone they had been pulled in by there shadowly black home to go anywhere but where the noice was. emily stoped and ran over to her best friends there wounds had healed by now even alices thanks to the magic in there DNA she held. the two girls looked up at her friend that had saved them they both got up and gave her a hug and this time it was emily who was stiff she was suprized that she was the one getting higed by these these two girls. "thanks emily" levinia said as she let go. alice let go as well. "nice to know that you use that haha" the three girls giggled. "you know they will come bakc right?" levinia said "yes i know but i wasnt going to wasnt time trying to kill them there too strong for just us three to take down." "true but im happy there gone for now" the three girls stood up. levinia looked at her phone it was four in the morning they had alot of explaining to do. eoples like it!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 04:48:21 +0000

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