hair and skin = les cheveux et la peau [ lee sheu veu ay la po] - TopicsExpress


hair and skin = les cheveux et la peau [ lee sheu veu ay la po] ___________________________________________________________ in France, it exists taboo about ways to talk .. because of racism problems. I give you the usual words used in France with correct maneer. blond hair = des cheveux blonds [ dee sheu veu bl on ] a blond haired girl = une blonde [ u nn bl on d ] ( in French Canada only , blonde is popular noun for girlfriend even if she is black haired, in French = copine [ kop inn ] ) a blond haired man = un blond [ en bl on ] brown hair = des cheveux chatains [ dee sheuveu shatt en ] dark hair = des cheveux bruns [ dee sheuveu brr en ] a dark haired woman = une brune [ u nn brr u nn ] a dark haired man = un brun [ en brr en ] red hair = des cheveux roux [ dee sheuveu rroo / rrew] a red haired woman = une rousse [ u nn rrooss / rr ew ss] a red haired man = un roux [ en rroo / rr ew ] semi blond semi light red hair = blond venitien [ bl on vee nii ssy en ] = venician blond . mahogany skinned woman = une black ( which is more correct and funny than une noire which may be used but.. only in some circumstances) it exists the term les cheveux mediterraneens [ lee sheuveu mee di terra nee en ] for latin and north africa hair. white skin = la peau blanche [ la po bl an sh ] a white man = un blanc [ en bl an ] a white woman = une blanche [ u nn bl an sh ] the white men = les blancs [ lee bl an ] to be more correct, people use to say occidental relative to white skin. brown skin = metis [ mee tiss] ( like in Caribe and West Indies for instance) a brown girl = une metisse a brown man = un metis poetic way for brown skin = la peau ensoleillee [ la po an sol ay yee] = the sunned skin. je suis plutot bronzee [ shu ii pl u to brr on zee] ( I am rather tanned = I am brown ) the skinheads = les skinheads . the Red Skins ( American indian tribes ) = les Peaux-Rouges [ lee po rroohj] the white hair = les cheveux blancs [ lee sheuveu bl an ] French expression = se faire des cheveux blancs [ soe ffayrr dee shveu bl an ] ( to make to itself white hair = to wonder a lot about things ) les jaunes [ lee hjaunn ] = Asian people, not nice term at all. to have asian hair = avoir les cheveux asiatiques [ avwaarr lee shveu azyatik] the adjective asiat / aziat exists for asian people. it is correct and funny. straight hair = cheveux lisses [ shveu liss] curly hair = cheveux ondules / cheveux en boucles [ shveu on du lee / shveu an bookl ] to tan = bronzer [ brr on zee ] the suntan = le bronzage [ loe brr on z ahj ] bald = chauve [ shauv / show v ] hairdresser = coiffeur [ kwaff oe rr] hairdresser for african hair = coiffeur antillais ( West Indies hairdresser) short hair = les cheveux courts [ lee shveu koorr / k ew rr] long hair = les cheveux longs [ lee shveu l on ] semi long hair = les cheveux mi-longs [ lee shveu mi l on ] african hair = les cheveux crepus [ lee shveu kree p u ] a beard = une barbe [ u nn barr b] Blue Beard = Barbe-Bleue [ barr boe bleu ] albinos = albinos french expression = il a pas de peau and il a pas de bol ( he has no skin / he has no bowl ) = he is unlucky . we say too avoir la guigne / avoir la chcoumoune / avoir une chance de Donald .
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 20:29:10 +0000

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