haleem hakeem a A-MA A morning REMINDER: EID DAY TOMORROW - TopicsExpress


haleem hakeem a A-MA A morning REMINDER: EID DAY TOMORROW SPECIAL The Sunnahs that the Muslim should observe on the day of Eid are as follows: 1 – Doing ghusl before going out to the prayer. 2 – It is mustahabb not to eat anything until one comes back from the prayer, so he should eat from the udhiyah if he has offered a sacrifice. If he is not going to offer a sacrifice there is nothing wrong with eating before the prayer. 3 – Takbeer on the day of Eid. Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, wa Allaahu akbar, Allaah akbar, wa Lillaah il-hamd (Allaah is Most Great, Allaah is most Great, there is no god but Allaah, Allaah is Most great, Allaah is most great, and to Allaah be praise). -Irwa’, 3/126. 4 – Offering congratulations Offering congratulations was something that was well known among the Sahaabah, and scholars such as Imam Ahmad and others allowed it. 5 – Adorning oneself on the occasion of Eid. a man should wear the best clothes that he has when going out for Eid. With regard to women, they should avoid adorning themselves when they go out for Eid, because they are forbidden to show off their adornments to non-mahram men. It is also haraam for a woman who wants to go out to put on perfume or to expose men to temptation, because they are only going out for the purpose of worship. 6 – Going to the prayer by one route and returning by another. the Sacrifice, like Zakat, is essential for one who has the financial means and savings that remain surplus to his own needs over the year. It is essential for one?s own self. However, a slaughter of animal can also be offered for each member of one?s family. It may be offered, though it is not essential, for one?s deceased relations, too, in the hope of benediction and blessings for the departed souls. What to Sacrifice All the permissible (halal) domesticated or reared quadrupeds can be offered for Qurbani. Generally, slaughter of goats, sheep, rams, cows, and camels is offered. It is permissible for seven persons to share the sacrifice of a cow or a camel on the condition that no one?s share is less than one seventh and their intention is to offer Qurbani. Age of Sacrificial Animals Sacrifice of goat or sheep less than one year old (unless the sheep is so strong and fat that it looks to be a full one year old) is not in order. Cow should be at least two years old. Camels should not be less than five years old. Disqualifying defects Sacrifice of an animal will not be in order if it is one eyed, or blind, or has lost one third or more of its eyesight, or one third or more of its tail, or its ear has been cut off, or it is lame, or its bones have no marrow, or it has no ears by birth or its horns have been broken from their roots, or it has no teeth at all. If the number of teeth intact exceeds the lost ones, it is permissible. If it has no horns by birth, or has less than one third broken horns, it is permissible. Distribution of meat One should eat the meat of the sacrifice, give it to relations and friends, (to non-Muslims also) and also to the poor in charity. One third should be given in charity, but if it be less it will not be a sin. Injunctions on the use of skin It is not permissible to give a portion of meat or the skin of the slaughtered animal as wages. They should instead be given to the needy in charity. Even the rope and cover of the sacrificed animal should be given away as charity. Intention It is commendable that one who intends to offer a sacrifice should refrain from having a hair cut, a shave, and pruning of nails, from the 1st of Zil-Hijjah (upto the time he has performed the sacrifice). Intention In the first instance, one who proposes to offer sacrifice must make an intention to that effect. Method of Sacrifice The animal for slaughter should be laid on its left side facing Kaabah and its throat cut open with a sharp knife, and its blood allowed to drain. In the case of a camel, it should be allowed to remain standing after its left fore leg has been stringed. A sharp spear should then be thrust in its breast and on both sides of its neck, and the blood allowed to drain. Allah accept our intentions and ibaadaat. Amin. Eid Mubarack in advance. My meat please lol.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:20:23 +0000

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