happy fukn holidays to me... stuck at my house in - TopicsExpress


happy fukn holidays to me... stuck at my house in pain, suffering, & alone, goin thru far too fukn severe 4 me 2 handle nicotine withdrawls.... still sick inside, terrified, about weather or not I will end up homeless for christmas... & seriously so fukn creeped out terrorized that I might also have 2 be contacted by, the family of a sick disgusting violent psycho pig rapsit that terrorized & deystroyed me 4 the rest of my fukn life... thru my entire childhood.... or have to worry that any of them would show up at my home & fukn terrorize me some more, for my fukn happy fukn holidays to me... hope all the selfserving, evil, sick, sadistic, sociopathic, asshole, pig, losers, who assisted in costing me my life & my future, & any reasons there could ever be, not to kill myself.... or any fukn options I would ever have 2 rebuild a life, or future..... hope they all get crippled in accidents by drunk drivers, & end up havn to suffer far fukn worse than what I have to suffer thru because of their evil wicked ways that deystroyed me, my life, & my future, or ability 2 have one ever again... or I hope they all choke to death on their holiday meals, or its poisoned.... cuz they fukn deserve it for deystroying a life that actually is worth saving.... evn if ignorant retards readin up on this dont know that... the shit that was allowed 2 happed to me, is the same type of shit that does push ppl so fukn seriously, & severely over the fukn edge... & could turn even the best of ppl in2 fukn monsters who end up causing damage to others who actually deserve it.... me...? I just end up takin it out on myself even more, cuz id never stoop to the fukn level of of any of those cruel evil sick pigs.. like murderers, rapists, Nordic Naturals, & the staff in the helping-ppl business who get paid 2 only help themselves & cause further damage 2 good ppl who needed some help.... me havn to live like this.... is only bcuz of what you did.... you sick pigs....!!!!! Nordic Naturals & County Mental Health & affilliate programs... you all deserve to have a suicide on your consience, & then fukn burn in hell for what you did...!!! you are evil, sick, & sadistic...!! go to hell.... you fukn pigs...!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:03:49 +0000

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