have you been trying to lose weight and it just doesnt ever seem - TopicsExpress


have you been trying to lose weight and it just doesnt ever seem to happen? does your weight yoyo up and down? are you ready to lose the weight for good? I know many of you have either contacted me at some point during my journey and asked how I was losing weight and have asked me to help or for advice. I understand how you feel. it is so daunting to tackle your weight issues because lets be honest its really not as clear cut as that. we all put on weight for a reason and most of us try our best to bury our head in the sand as to the reasons why we the size we are. I know now my biggest issue was I didnt believe in myself. I put all my focus into others and that gave me great joy but when it came to myself I kind of buried that in food. I get the struggles ive lived it . losing weight wasnt just about changing my body I had to change my mind as well. I had to change the way I thought about myself , I had to find my worth and learn to love who I am and what I look like. when I look back losing the weight was easy it was changing the way I looked at my life and how I saw myself that was the hard part. if you are reading this and nodding along please dont go out and buy into another fad diet or crazy scheme to lose 10 kgs in three weeks . this year is almost over i want you to head into 2015 knowing that you are ready to do what you need to do so that you start 2015 strong i want you to look back this time next year and say wow I did it I took control of my health I want you to think long term I want you to think about your overall health . I want you to think about your family and their health and wellbeing. I couldnt have accomplished my weight loss with out the support from Onelife gym so I am taking my program online. I will personally be supporting you on this journey, and you wont be alone !! You will also have the support of my kick start girls Im sure you all have seen their achievements plastered all over my journey. THE PROGRAM STARTS 5.01.15 AND FINISHES 15.03.15 with our celebration night happening Saturday the 21st March 2015. this is a night you will never forget. this program is unique because I have done it I know what it feels like to be morbidly obese. I can help. this program offers weekly emails with goal sheets, a food diary , recipes, web links and best of all access to my private kick start community. $200 upfront which works out to $20 a week. what is your health worth? lets do this together contact me to get ready for your 2015 journey to health journey to life journey to being the best version of you.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:01:31 +0000

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