having been associated with the paranormal field for nearly 13 - TopicsExpress


having been associated with the paranormal field for nearly 13 years, I have pondered a few questions or observations over this period of time..I have noticed that the field has more women than men,(not that its a bad thing,) and I wondered what that draw was all about..(I am guessing it has to do with sensitivity and motherhood) I am aware that most men arent as sensitive but are more skeptical and no nonsense about it. men as a general rule are a bit better at the technical end of things but women do make better investigators as a whole..as for me..my intent was sealed (as was my belief) when I saw my wifes partial aperition in my own living room mere weeks after she had passed..as I sat in my recliner, half asleep, this image made its appearance just inside my living room window 4 feet above the floor it was an arm from the elbow to the entire hand waving up and down to grab my attention..the vibe with this image was my wifes and the perfume smell accompanied this image..it was hers for sure..this was the same spot where she had laid previously in a rented hospital bed in my living room. I will never forget that..I thank my lucky stars that she was not allowed to die in the house..I would not have been able to cope with that..as it was..I watched her fade from a vibrant energetic woman to a lesser image of her former self in a matter of 8 years..then the heavens took her sick body away..at 57, she was considered very young..but as the cancer progressed and virtually ate her up inside..she looked 85..I had become a full time caregiver with very limited resources..I did what I could and sought help wherever I could find it..it was only after her death, that I felt completely lost..I had no reason to move forward(for a time). but my therapy and recovery started when I went through her personal items and made arrangements for dispersion of what was there..I found out that she had 3 separate wardrobes..(in sizes) and she had collected a massive amount of shoes and purses..the closet floor was covered with it all as were the upper shelves..it took almost a week to get through it all(after the equipment was returned)..most of it was donated to the places she used to work..beverly farms and eldercare..these places took the items to give to the people they served..she had a good heart and prooved it all the time .. I believe her job in heaven is that of training charabs..(the small angels who make people fall in love).. she had that quality..in life..not a day goes by that I dont thik of her...
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 16:24:23 +0000

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