he night is still young, warm, peaceful. Another night as boring - TopicsExpress


he night is still young, warm, peaceful. Another night as boring as the rest. Hokee sits on his carpet floor, going through his anime collection on the shelf, unable to decide what to watch first, while his foster brother, Omar, and best friend, Scott, have decide to go out to the bar tonight. Eventually he becomes defeated by choice and falls upon his back, gazing around at his four walls that consist posters of anime, games, movies, and musicians, and pictures of fond memories with his family and friends. Hokee raises his hand up, examining both sides of it, clenching into a fist and creating sparks to engulf his whole clutch. It didnt phase him the least, however got him deeply curious how he came into contact with this mysterious ability. Could it possibly be the reason he isnt able to remember anything from his amnesia at age twelve, or perhaps he had been a experiment to the government, or even be the next stage in evolution. The possibilities were infinite, like his future, now age nineteen and continuously is unable to adjudicate what he desires to pursue. Suddenly his cell phone starts ringing on the bed. He hurries lifting himself off the carpet and jumps onto the bed, accidentally knocking the damn phone between the wall and bed frame. Hokee curses. He desperately retrieves the phone, relaxing upon his bed, answering it on the fourth ring. Ello, this is Hokee. Took you long enough, buddy. Said Scott, Hokees closest friend. What were you doing exactly? he raised interest. Nothing, Hokee announced offended. So whats up? Dude, youre never gonna believe who we met at the mall. Scott spoke excited. I thought you guys were going to the bar? We were, except then we ran into somebody. Are you interested coming out to a restaurants with us? That was kinda random, dont you think? This isnt another one of your pranks like the time you blind folded me on my nineteenth birthday and sent me tumbling down a flight of stairs, correct? Scott faintly laughs. No, nothing like that, buddy. So are you interested? Where are you guys specifically? Is Omar there with you? Yeah, were inside his vehicle. Were coming to pick you up. What for? Let me talk to Omar first. Hokee demanded. Scott, holds the phone to his ear, whispering something Hokee couldnt make out precisely. Hey there bro, said Omar. Hokee replied, Scott is ranting about meeting somebody at the mall, and then hoping I can come with you guys to the restaurant, have you got a surprise for me? this isnt like Scotts invention of Half hour of douce-bag time, right? Nope, not this time. Im pretty sure youre gonna wanna come out with us though. What is the surprise? Am I meeting somebody important? Hokee inquired. You know Im not your woman, and my arms getting tired, you dork! said Scott in the background, giving Hokee an ear ache to wince. Nine OThree, Hokee, Omar, and Scott, piled in the vehicle, heading to the restaurant. Hokee, with his glasses, denim jacket, jeans, and dress shirt, sits in the backseat, guessing who it could possibly be? Maybe a role model? no. somebody from school? most likely? A girlfriend? Maybe, highly doubtful tho. Then another thought came to mind. You guys arent stringing me along instead taking to the bar? No, buddy! Scott complained. You assume we treat you like a piece of meat, but thats not true, he turns to him in the passenger seat. Ill treat you like a piece of crap. Scott smiles, his friend sway his head side to side, amused. Dylan snickers. You serious need to work on bettering your people skills, bro. Thanks mom, and you need to shut the hell up and go kill yourself! Lovely. Dylan return casual. Hokee chuckles. Unlikely. Scott rounds in his seat playfully punching Hokee in the leg, screaming, Charlie horse! Hokee laughs, receiving the shot, kicking at his hand away. This isnt a realistic relationship, you do not know how messed up this friendship is. Dylan comment, and then apprehends a punch in the arm. The hell you doing, buddy?! Im driving! Scott laughs. Hokee sighs entertained. As they arrived, Dylan leads them inside, telling them to find a seat while he gets theyre orders. Hokee decides on the closest one at entrance door. Scott continues onward and turns the corner of the restaurant before halting. This catches Hokees attention, noticing Scott wave him over. What is it? he nears him, as Scott smiled and point down the booth section on the left row. There Hokee discovered two Asian chicks. Ones face he could behold, short brown hair, tea green eyes, chuckling at her friends joke. The other had dark hair touching her shoulders. Oh thats really funny, you know that. Hokee, disgusted, ready to round back to his original seating before hearing his name called out unexpected by one of the two ladies. He circles towards them, both gracing them amidst theyre welcoming smiles. The chicks face he couldnt see once, now brought him back to an old friend he used to know. Korean, short black hair and long bangs bringing out her cheeks and smooth outlined face and nose, that all screamed beauteous to him. Is that you? she asked, her eyes fills with hope, however a frown unconvinced saying her eyes are playing tricks. Yep, thats my name gorgeous, Hokee beams back. And what might yours be? Dont you remember me? She smiles sincerely, her voice heightening in enthusiastic volume. Its me, Lee So-Young. At that instant Hokee becomes paralyzed in disbelief to who he is witnessing. Lee So-Young, the girl from his childhood. It felt to him as a decade what passed since he moved out of Strive City with his old foster parents before getting adopted again and moving back with Dylans folks. Oh my god, Lee So-Young, His grin only widen as she rose to her feet, only standing five feet tall, and approached sharing a pleasant tight hug with him. Its been so long, they depart. Why havent you decide to search me up? Hokee lost for words, mouth open, without a thought in mind, eventually answers, I dont have a social account, I always thought it was a waste of time and sort of being a stalker. You idiot, she said, hitting him in the arm. That isnt how it works, its staying in contact with people. A moment later, everybody is established at the tables. Amii and Lee-So Young together. Omar and Hokee, with Scott across from them devouring his order. This is Ami Kimoto by the way, Lee points. She arrived here not too long ago, so please try and be nice, her English is-well I dont wanna say terrible but she doesnt a grasp with words yet. With Scott that wasnt possible, hell find flaws and crucify anybody for them, he didnt care, he didnt care about anything for example, what he said, what he did, he merely acts on thought. So tell us, Said Dylan. Howd you two meet? he wiggles his finger from Hokee and Lee. It started when I had my amnesia, Hokee replied. when I opened my eyes, the first person I saw happen to be Lee in the moonlight, looking all worn out and stitches in her clothing, dirtied face, kneeling over me concern, questioning me if Im alright. Oh yeah, its all coming back now, Dylan express, biting into his burger. Wasnt that the same day you came home and discovered your house in a complete wreck and your birth parents gone? Precisely, bro. And after that day me and Lee became good friends, always sticking together in school, helping each other with our projects and sitting at lunch, talking, supporting one another. Hokee used to take me to restaurants when I didnt have money to purchase food at the schools cafeteria. Isnt that nice of him, Scott comment, devouring a ton of french fries. Were you attempting to pick up an oriental chick and bring her to your home to make out? Scott, Hokee cried. Can you stop jumping to conclusions? That depends, can you stop being aboriginal? Or Dylan being black? Ami, intrigued by the relationship of the three, smirks. Is this how it is with all jews? Its You! not jews, you idiot! Scott burst out laughing. Ignore him, Dylan mention. Hes oft like this. Hokee clears his throat, rounding the conversation back to them. So tell me Lee, howd you and Ami meet? Similar interests. She responded. Once they finished up their meals, they headed outside, laughing, enjoying each others company. Well it was a blast meeting you again, Hokee. Lee said. Remember to call my number and well get lunch sometime or go chill somewhere. Yeah sure. Hokee grinned, Dylan wrapping his arm around him as they split down opposite sides of the Parking lot. Unexpectedly the vehicles to their side erupts, sending the three friends flying to their side, as Lee and Ami become startled, rounding quickly, a safe distance from the blast. Suddenly the vehicles near them explode, causing them going flying and hitting the pavement roughly. What the heck was that? Scott agonizingly inquired, gradually making it to his hands and knees, dazed, same as the rest. Are you alright over there! Lee cried, keeping collected. Out of the blue a witch appears, late teens, wearing a leather skirt and boots, with a tight grey shirt and leather witch hat and a levitating chain surrounding it, standing in the middle of the burning lot. Well isnt this day full of surprises. Lee grunts, helping a stirred up Amii to her stance. What the hells a witch doing here!? What the hell is going on? Hokee, frightened, anxious to disperse and save himself. He begins making a run for it, away from the scene, soon followed by his friends, watching him run, and run, and run, straight into a magnetic force field, face first, and falls to the ground, holding his face painfully, groaning. The others stop instantly, circling back to the witch, theyre attention distinctly on the witchs movements, trembling, feeling extremely claustrophobic. The witch giggles, seeing Hokee hurry to his knee, panicking, shivering, eyes filled with more fear and wider then any of his friends. Who are you? Lee shouted. Tell us now or well be force to combat! She lifts her hand to the air, summoning her golden magical staff to breaks through a second of light like a ton of glass, grasping the rod in hand, and aiming the three colored blue, red, and purple crystals on the end of the shaped bent O rod among the witch. Dylan, Scott, Hokee, stand there in awe, unable to make sense of any of this. Wh-what? what is going on? Scott sweat. Im as lost as you buddy. Dylan replied stunned. The witch confronts Lee, enlightened. Lee So-Young, I never thought to travel this far back in time to your larva stage, she glimpses briskly at everybody once more, getting goosebumps. This is indeed exciting. It wasnt long till a crowd surrounded them at a safe distance, people from inside the restaurant glance outside, some losing their minds having their vehicles decimated, others holding their children and family, evacuating throughout the side door. The vehicles on the street were pulled aside, witnessing this phenomenon. Who you? Ami hustled. Tell us now! Ami, the witch smiled. Ami, Ami, Ami. She sung in a tune. Youre not long for this world. My names Monica, and I came here to kill you all. She commands her witches broom to appear in her hand without notice and draws the sharp end in battle position to the two girls. Well that was pretty straight forward. Hokee whispers to his friends. Monica begins forming a dark electrical orb, prepared to discharge it on the girls, standing in fighting stance, ready for any oncoming attack. Monica turns her focus to the others and darts her orb after Hokee. No! Lee cries. Hokee, paralyzed, gazes in astonishment and fear at the orb nearing. Get out of the way! Lee screams, Ami unable to do anything, but watch her new friend collide against the bomb blasting into a massive gulf of blackness and electricity throughout the area, massacring all three friends raining blood and guts and severed limbs. The discharge rattles the ground beneath their feet, chilling them to the bone. Lee, emotionally unstable, ready to go nuclear. Monica laughs, focusing back on the girls. Ami clenches her teeth and starts charging after her. Lee follows behind. Monica jumps on her broom and ascends to the air, being chased by her foes. As she soars high, her foes fly into the force field, descending to the pavement. Lee points her staff, down and shouts,Wind! coughing their fall. Ami quickly back on her feet, throws her hands forth to the force field, shouting, Spell cancel! the field soon disappears.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 00:39:35 +0000

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