heBook six CHAPTER FOUR,,, DEPUTY CHARLIE HANSON AND BETTY Charlie and Betty were in the cafeteria have something to eat and Charlie was having coffee with dinner. “What are we going to do Charlie, if the child services get a hold of Cyndi, we’ll never see her again” Betty was saying. “And what is going to happen to Shirley, Charlie I have been thinking, we have a lot of room in our new house so why don’t we take them both to our house and we can tell child services that Cyndi is with her grandma and that would be the truth”. Charlie smiled at betty, “you are one sly little devil” laughing,, So that was the plan, three days later Charlie was taking Cyndi to the pickup with him and Betty was in the room getting the stuffed animals when two ladies came for Cyndi, knowing she was to be released today. “Where is the baby” the taller one ask. “She’s with her grandma, I’m just getting her animals” Betty looking al innocent. “I thought she had MS and needed care herself” “all I know is she wants to be with her granddaughter and they will be taken care of, both of them” answered Betty smiling her cute smile.. “Well lets go” the tall one said, “I’ll find out what’s going on,” The day before grandma and grandpa, betty and Charlie went to Shirley’s house and took everything Shirley wanted and dropped Charlie back at the hospital and took Shirley to the ranch and got her settled in, she love the new house. On the way back to the house Charlie said. “Take me to the airport and I fly my plane home, Cyndi will be okay with you, you have been holding her a lot.” At the airport Betty was holding Cyndi lee, that’s what Betty had started calling her, held her as Charlie put his head in the window and both his girls a peak on the cheek. “by ladies” and walked to his plane. Charlie had the FBO fuel his plane and paid with the credit card from the sheriff department, did his preflight, started and did the engine run up, ready, he call for clearance, and took off for home. He circled once checking the wind sock for wind direction, line up and came in for a landing, touched down and taxied to his tie down area, he heard the sound of a ATV coming at him, put his hand on his pistol and saw grandpa come riding up. “Where did you get that thing grandpa”. Charlie asked. Grand pa shut it off, smiling.” Hell Charlie, I’m being us into the 21 St. century,, horses are a thing of the past on big ranches, got five of them, had them delivered while you was at the hospital” Charlie pushed his hat to the back of his head walking around the ATV.”how much did that cost me” “Not a thing, I paid for them, tax write off, I needed that” laughing. “Well I’ll pay you back” “Don’t even think of it Charlie, done deal, now hop on, grandma has a beer waiting for us” shifting into gear as Charlie climbed on behind, “hang on.” and off to flew, bouncing over the rough hoof scared ground. Sitting on the veranda with their beer, “Charlie, the last of the cattle arrived a couple of days ago,, almost 3,500 head good size herd the hay crew will be out at the end of the week,, we need to make some temporary tables so the girls can feed the crew lunch, wait till you see the lunch grandma will fix,, fried chicken and all the trimmings and the last day we will bbq steaks, peeps them looking forward to our ranch every year” slapping his knee, “right ma” “Right pa” and slapped grandpa on the shoulder laughing. Charlie smiled at them thinking, hope after over fifty years together he and Betty still had that playful kind of love. “Here comes my girls” as Betty came driving in to their house, I’ll get Jr. so he can meet his sister” Everyone walked to Charlie and Betty’s house, grandpa getting the wheelchair for Shirley. “Here you go little lady” said grandpas he helped Shirley out of the pickup and into the wheelchair and going around to the back of the house. “Hey grandpa let me help you get her on the porch” said Charlie. “Follow me young’in” as grandpa continued around the house. When Charlie round to the back of the house he could see a wheel chair ramp.” You do this grandpa” “The boys helped me this morning, someone needs to think around here” laughing. Charlie smiled, he knew grandpa loved to tease. Betty had the master bedroom fixed up with cribs for both kids, she wanted Cyndi to feel loved and comfortable in her new surroundings before moving her to her own bedroom. The house hold soon settled in to it own rhythm. Shirley doing more every day and feeling better and the cowboys loved her, every day after work they came and wheeled her to the bunk house, fixing her dinners and teaching her card games, Shirley began fixing herself up every day , something she hadn’t done for a long time. “I thinks all three of our cowboy are in love with her” one afternoon Betty was saying when the explorer of Serge’s with chad and tommy riding with him. Getting out and walking and setting on the steps of the veranda, chatted “we are going to spend a couple of days at the line shack, okay to borrow some horses Charlie” “You know you don’t even have to ask that guys” answered Charlie. Betty said “who all wants a beer”. Like you have to ask such a question to guys in their prime. As she walked away Sarge said “Charlie, my CIA friend call me, they have a line on David, he’s in Mexico, turned on his phone he had here and we can keep track of him through its GPS feature if he comes back to the states he will call and let us know,, probably thinks it safe for him to use it down there” Charlie got a dark look to his eyes “thanks guys” They sat and chatted for a while more, Betty got the kids out and showed them off and the guys played and tickled them and in general had fun,, but Charlie mood had soured. Knowing he could never let his guard down, never ever really relax, A few days later Charlie saw smoke at almost the same place where the pot growers had their camp, he call grandpa on the phone and asked him to come to the barn. Grandpa drove up on his ATV, he took it everywhere on the ranch,, never walked anymore. Grandpa enter the barn and saw Charlie in his cammo had his horse saddled, m16 in it scabbard “what’s up Charlie” Charlie walked Grandpa to the front of the barn and pointed to the smoke. “Going to check it out. Why don’t you get grandma and come to the house and keep an eye on things, if you get a funny feeling get everyone in the safe room,, it’s why I built it and call me on the sat phone” “Okay Charlie don’t worry, I’ll keep you family safe,” With eyes hard, geared to do battle Charlie rode off, re another chapter,, remember, like comments, thanks
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:34:36 +0000

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