heads up , The FBI locked your computer? Watch out for new spins - TopicsExpress


heads up , The FBI locked your computer? Watch out for new spins on ransomware. the return of ransonware has risen it ugly head again.. if you have been hit by this, dont panic... .. just ctn, alt and delete then restore your computer to the day before and with some luck you will drop this little infection you picked up some where in your travels in cyber space.. Ransomware is making a resurgence. Hard-to-trace Internet payment methods are emboldening cybercriminals.. a screen will apperar with a FBI logo stateing you have been in violation of copy right codes and their cannot unlock your computer untill you have payed a 200 dollar fine. looks real, and it has a way to pay the fine. except its simply cyber crooks trying to bilk you out of your money,.. so far anti virus and security software have not been successful in preventing this attack.. still dont panic. worse to worse just shut down and restart.. of the virus will still be with you and may pop up again in a few days.. its hard to get rit of... with a little luck , you virus removal software you have installed might just might remove it for you,, but dont count on it... SO HEADS UP AND IF THIS THING POPS UP,, IT WILL LOOK SCAREY BECAUSE IT MENT TO SCARE YOU INTO PAYING THEM MONEY. JUST REMEMBER ITS A SCAM...
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 03:32:11 +0000

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