hello everyone, how is everyone doing today? hope yous are all - TopicsExpress


hello everyone, how is everyone doing today? hope yous are all having a great day :) i know i am :) i had a fitness evaluation today at my gym, to see how much i improved since march, when i started going. and it went awesome :) i doubled all my numbers in progress of where i was at in march (y) my BMI went down, my muscle mass went up :) so the goals i set forth in march are accomplished. which was to lose weight, add muscle, and get out of the 400s. now my goals are to still lose more weight, add more muscles, and to get out of the 300s. plus do yoga with ease :) so to Mary Terrance, Im willing to do the one on one yoga sessions, if you get the go ahead for the boss. and i will start your lunch time yoga too :) time to kick it up a notch ;) (y) so all in all, Im happy with where Im at in my progress thus far. Ive been going threw a lot of changes this year, on so many levels and dimensions of my being. at times it can be a bit over whelming, but Ive learned to keep my vibrations higher. which helps me transition with more ease. its taken me a lifes journey of almost 36 years to learn these lessons. since Ill be 36 this Nov. 7th. i will also be leaving the throat chakra life phase, and entering the third eye chakra life phase. which is from late 35-42 yrs old. so with that in acknowledgement, i will start to understand even more, and my gifts will open even more :) my journey has been a long and testing one, but i over came a lot in my 36 years on this earth. i came from a place of pain and misery, to a place of joy and happiness. at first i was always looking externally for my answers, and found no answers. then i went with in, and found so many answers to many things. so go with in my beloved stars, and have faith in yourself. acknowledge your gifts and dreams my beloved stars. you dont have them for no reason, they are signs from the higher self of what you truly desire. so never give up hope, you can always get to that happy place. it just takes understanding, and patience for it to click and make sense. and thats why the first half of our lives we learn of patience, and defeated our ego. for the ego is impatient, for its time here on earth is limited. when you have learned to be patient, and understanding. you have defeated your ego, and are living from the heart. which is walking the red road. so always follow your heart my beloved stars, it will always lead you in the right way. for it is the first brain, and your brain is your second heart. some of you may be like what you smoking?...lol but look back my beloved stars. when your body was forming in your mothers womb, your heart was the first organ to develop. and as you progressed in development, you later developed a brain. which stems from the heart. the same nerve ganglion cells that make up your brain, is also in your heart. and thats why the heart knows before the mind does. for you will always feel some things wrong, before you know some things wrong. the brain is just a receiver, and your heart is the key to your divines. so follow your hearts/first brain my beloved stars, and you will never be lead astray. as long as you remain true to yourself. and this is the lesson of the time we are in, which is Virgo/The Virgin. so continue to rise in energy, and shine your brightest everyday my beautiful stars * * * much light and love to yous all...Kanara:kowa
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:48:14 +0000

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