hello washington!!! i figured since our government is monitoring - TopicsExpress


hello washington!!! i figured since our government is monitoring everything, i should be proper and say hello! today socialist-king obama said that our privacies werent encroached "that much"!!!! to me encroachment, in any form without consent is unconstitutional!!! in my opinion, this man has done absolutely nothing to help this country in his terms. everything it seems has been for foreign entities, be it syria, illegal aliens, muslim-based anything!!!! ive seen nothing favoring the condition of this country at all, and i for one get real ticked when i hear our troops overseas are not only eating cold meals, the cost for them comes out of their pay!!! while our s0-called leader vacations in ireland, now in africa which is possibly going to cost the taxpayer over 100 million!!!! i feel its time for a "change" ; to "forward" his ass out of the whitehouse, along with his senile-puppet biden!!!!!!! im sure there is a homeless veteran in d.c. somewhere that could do a far better job, one who has paid the price for freedoms, obama seems to frivolously destroy with his executive orders!!!! i at last check, still have one right and that is to my opinion, which i feel that isnt far from being criminalized in this country. im beginning to think there are NO people in washington who care about this country!!!! and it seems i am close to right. May God have much mercy on this land!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 19:33:06 +0000

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