hellogambia Early day motion 348 - HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE - TopicsExpress


hellogambia Early day motion 348 - HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE GAMBIA YAHYA MAIN LEVE AVEC LE BATON EN DISCOURS 24 British MPs representing a wide spectrum of political parties including Conservatives,Labour,Liberal Democrats,SDLP, Democratic Union Party and Alliance Party called on the British government to impose visa sanctions and asset freezes on Gambian officials involve in gross human rights violations. The Early Day Motion(348) introduced by Labour Party MP Katy Clark also urges the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to put an end to impunity in The Gambia and further calls on the Government to lead an international effort in the UN to secure a resolution against Africa’s most repressive nation and to put The Gambia’s horrific human rights record at the center of the international agenda. The strong sup­port in the House of Com­mons for the visa sanc­tions comes just days ahead of the 19th anniversary of the Military takeover that propel President Jammeh to power on July 22nd 1994 . This event comes at a time when gross human rights violations are taking place in the Gambia perpetuated by the government. A copy of the Parliamentary motion is here below parliament.uk/edm/2013-14/348 The campaign to secure British parliamentary opposition to the continuous escalation of human rights abuses in The Gambia has been assisted by UK-based human rights group Campaign for human rights in The Gambia and Coalition for Change Gambia(CCG). The British Lawmakers are also horrified that arbitrary arrests, torture, detention without trials and enforced disappearances are a daily reality in The Gambia and urges the Gambian government to uphold the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to release immediately all prisoners of conscience. The British Parliamentarians also commends Dr Amadou Scattred Janneh, Coordinator of the Coalition for Change Gambia, for his unceasing non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights and democracy in The Gambia condemning his arrest and sentencing to life in jail by The Gambia government for printing T-shirts and applauds Rev Jesse Jackson for his intervention to secure his releases,MPs also expressed their solidarity with the people of The Gambia in light of the reported human rights abuses being committed in their country. “The EDM will be communicated to the Gambian High Commissioner in London. It will hopefully add to pressure for the Gambian government to respect human rights We hope this parliamentary motion will send a strong signal from the House of Commons to the Gambian government that the gross violation of human rights and civil liberty will not go unchallenged” Arthur West Chairman of CHRG-UK said. “I am pleased that this motion is rapidly attracting signatures from MPs of all parties – the situation in the Gambia is dire particularly the daily abuse of rights of the people of the Gambia and we must speak up and mobilize public opinion in Scotland and UK in general against the dictatorship in the west African country” In a statement CCG said its convinced that Gambian dictatorship is illegal, irresponsible, ruthless, and beyond reform. We are therefore calling on all our compatriots and the international community to devise more aggressive measures to topple the regime peacefully. President Jammeh has virtually shut all avenues of peaceful, democratic change in The Gambia. Unless we take decisive action to put a final stop to his madness, we will have no one to blame if the floodgates of violence are open on us. Yahya Jammeh is the state, the ruling party, chancellor, chief medical practitioner, chief executioner, chief imam, etc. Then pressure must be exerted on Jammeh, as the government, to do the following: (1) declare a permanent moratorium on executions pending a constitutionally-mandated review of the desirability or otherwise of the death penalty; (2) release all political prisoners and illegally detained persons, including: Ebrima Jallow, M. B. Sarr, and Abdourahman Baldeh – a Senegalese national detained without charge since 1997;. (3) Provide the International Committee of the Red Cross access to prisons to enable it to ensure that minimum standards are being met; (4) Unblock websites such as ChangeGambia.org,gambiacampaign.org. FreedomNewspaper, HelloGambia, JollofNews, and others, to allow Gambians unfettered access to information; and, (5) Remove all impediments to the full operations of The DailyNews, The Standard, and Teranga FM so that they can continue informing and educating the Gambian populace unhindered. Unless these measures are implemented forthwith, the international community must work hand in hand with all progressive, democratic groups to effect the necessary regime change in The Gambia. We have a choice to make. Dr Amadou Janneh during his visits to the Parliament was taken round to see the various departments of the both House of Commons and House of Lords by MP Katy Clark and Lord Eric Avebury
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 14:35:24 +0000

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