here comes some brain pain: id like to point out, no one uses - TopicsExpress


here comes some brain pain: id like to point out, no one uses Facebook currently and correctly to say , they use it perfectly. its a platform right? okay great. however, in recent years, some of my friends, have, left Facebook, forever! OR gone on the opposite extreme, and went crazy using it. what is left to communicate? cell phones? email?, oh great. I mean, the voice use in a cell phone is most critical. there is also email. which is either, formal or very liberating, for writing ANYTHING u want and have it been encrypted by Gmail or whoever. so security reasons and safety of your text , this makes u feel, like u can write anything to one another. in email only.. maybe, hear me out! now. after watching Facebook tear relationships apart, and build them stronger, i can now conclude, if you want to use the internet, to output anything, do it on another platform IF u are unhappy, with the way the users of Facebook, personally, and or generally interact. is this a fair statement? maybe, maybe not. however i am not a writer. or anything successful yet…. except a relationship. (just had our 3 year of thanksgiving together woo! ) being a musician, and terrible at multitasking to satisfy everyone, including but not limited to the understand of communicational differences between all types of men and women, i find, silence, between communication, very enjoyable yet even more of a challenge. which is still fun for me. my other friend, has started a blog, it gets, LOTS of hits, how? Google! its math algorithms enable the blog writer, to get his content out there, for more people to see, and or care about to do research, if they search, something or anything within the general blog content topics ( which vary a LOT) he is a physiology guy and rocks at talking to other people in the internet, and in person, . yet. we took sign language together! and enjoyed it. tho, maybe could have done better. thats how Facebook works, using silence, with power and power struggles within the platform. now, if u use sign language to communicate, u HAVE to use facial reconstruction of emotions. that is very fun. and hard. what happens when a female over-analyzizes an unclear message from a male? what happens when male friends communicate to each other and the observer, looking for why it works, cant pin point his hypothesis, but wants to conclude, it just works. ? well, nothing on paper, or in the science world has been proven in this case, so the same reason perhaps, why when, women communicate, in any way! IF they know each other, they have an equal chance, of getting their point across, to each other. (personal experience data below) i watch it happen all the time, and i ask myself, when Im with a dude, and two chicks in the room… we as 4 people, reach very far topics, and further invest in each other equally with our words, and sometimes actions. now their are too many traits to back up any of these claims. sure. im not a theoretical physicist, yet, but the point is. FACEBOOK, is very cut and dry, hot and wet, cold and non existent but very real, FB is gender bias for its own good and evil. Facebook also censors. while keeping integrity and security concepts under control for the user. if you are not close enough to certain friends, to those who even matter, to you, you may run into problems with Facebook, and its design, and everything else about the flaws of social media, IF YOU are a smart person AND a very timid and shy person(even , afraid to hurt other peoples feelings, these problems get further essayed/exculate, to not use texts, to not manipulate a persons emotions. so, how do we protect each other from this course of action? (with typing clearly to avoid) IE confusion, or judgment/fights, and hurt feelings. my final thought, you can not change the world one bit at a time, without pissing off someone, for the sake, if their opinion, clashes with yours. they are mad bc of this whole thing. to prove you are on the same side, use science and (I.e. philosophy like religion) con fluently, to communicate your message, just so you can further the REAL relationship, human interactions forge, while being in person and seeing them. we understand, having a close true friendship, and hanging out with all 150+ friends can be…. impossible. for many reasons. Not sure if any of this made sense. but. eh. Rebecca Saul can make it more understandable. ready go.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 11:29:07 +0000

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