here goes nothing xD So , as you can see . I have ask if anyone - TopicsExpress


here goes nothing xD So , as you can see . I have ask if anyone ever experience one sided love before . Faris Akmal , you have to tell yours after I have done mine okay ? >.< Ive met this girl when I was 14 . That time I dont actually realized I have this particular feelings for her and we dont really talk to each other that much even though we were classmates . The only things that we had our conversations is about school , homework etc . As time pass by , we start to talk a little bit bout our personal life . I never thought I would fall for her but I did anyway . So , after about a month I gathered up my courage and confess to her . She was shock as expected . I thought I have screwed up something that time but because of that the relationship between us was getting closer . About 2 years we had our time together . chatting , texting , calling and other common stuffs like that and also throughout the years I have been trying many ways to win her heart since for the first time I confess to her and until the 2 years , she didnt give any response to it . But she do say if you try a lil bit harder maybe you can win my heart . That what she said . I tease her alot by saying youre so cute . And she always gave this tsundere type reaction to me . But in the process to win her heart of course I ask her if she actually love someone else . luckily she said no . One night when we having a normal texting routine . She suddenly say this to me you treating me like im your gf . My heart was pounding so hard (no joke) but she suddenly reply that she was just joking . I really thought she actually mean it . I think I cry after that , I cant remember . *here comes the saddest part I think been +3 years I know her but still didnt get my chance to be with her . So I use my last resort to get her heart . By walking her home , instead of texting we having an eye to eye conversation . walking together at school and something like that . If you guys thinking why I never done this in a first place . dude believe me , i really believe that my love was actually real when i really really shy to meet her . even eye contact . every time I look her my heart was pounding so hard . so to me , walking her to home was actually something that i can really get proud with . She ask me How long you gonna wait for my answer ? As long as it takes I said . Im really serious bout her that time , I really wanna build my future with her . She always keep sayin bout how bad she can get . or something like dont date with me if you dont wanna regret type . i was like , the hell i care . i love you . thats all matters . to show you how sincere my love is to her . I start to cry bout silly things bout how sometimes she act kinda cold to me and theres one day where i cant get chance to walk with her . go back home regret and cry == one week before spm ends , she starting to avoid me . I dont know why . She didnt reply me text , didnt answer my call . and theres one time I wait for her infront of the school and still didnt show up about 30 min + . I received her text saying dont walk with me again , i need sometime alone i was like okayy . almost burst out crying though that time . one day , my friends motorcycle broke so i have to get my other friends go get me a ride to home . he said he going to stop by at some manga , figura store (most the manga is in chinese though) I saw something that really really make me felt like i wanna scream and cry as loud as i can . I saw her walking with other friends , one of them is a boy . when i get back to home . yeahh , youre right . i cry really hard that time . i really want to pop my eyes out seriously . the last scene ended when i received text from her saying dont contact her again . and the best part about the text is , she say that she dont love me and she actually love someone else . and it was before i even met her . why she didnt say it in the first place ? so throughout the 3 years where ive been trying to win her heart was actually means nothing to the relationship . Will never succeed in the first place :) *i think i got a lot of typo . lazy to re read and correct the spelling . going to sleep with bawling eyes now . cyaa :)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:28:53 +0000

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